

As a COB student, you’ll participate in a learning community (LC). Learning communities offer students (who take a common set of courses together) a chance to develop a deeper understanding of course subject matter, 建立关系, and engage in meaningful, creative dialog outside of the classroom.

学习社区 are designed with learning, 学术成就, and life outside the classroom in mind. All students want to feel at home, get to know people easily, and do well academically. newbb电子平台's 学习社区 can help bring it all together, and provide a few nice extras, 太. 这种方法, along with the 科普兰的核心, will allow you to be immediately successful within 科普兰厅.

Available LCs focus on accounting, 金融, 管理 information systems, 管理, 市场营销, and sports — and all courses count toward your degree requirements. (Jump to the bottom of page for LCs by COB major.)

The college also has LCs for transfer students, Honors Program participants, and students who are still undecided on what they want to study in business.

Learning communities at newbb电子平台 are a collaborative effort between University College, the Office of 招生, Institutional 研究, the Office of Information Technology, the Division of Student Affairs, the 商学院, 还有其他几个. LCs help new students get connected and support them during their transition from home and high school to newbb电子平台 and 雅典.

Learn More about the University's LCs


Benefits of 学习社区

  • LCs are an excellent way to meet new friends
  • You and the members of your LC are enrolled in courses in together. These courses form the basis of your semester schedule. Now you will know a few friendly faces in those larger classes.
  • 关闭 interaction with 商学院 faculty who teach your linked courses.
  • With your community members, 同侪导师(LCL), LC教练, 教职员工, you will make connections throughout the university.
  • When you enroll in an LC you begin to complete your General Education Requirements and progress toward your degree immediately.
  • Participating in an LC will give you the opportunity to join in academic and social activities with the members of your community.

Learning Community Components

Your learning community is composed of the four 科普兰的核心 classes — and may also include a major-focused linked course. (If you’re in a 管理 LC, 你可能有一个经济学家, 数学, or COMS linked course in your "cluster" of classes.)

科普兰的核心: 4 Courses

The 科普兰的核心 is a seminar class and three entry-level business courses. The 科普兰的核心 will be part of your 商学院 learning community. (Some students will enroll only in the Core classes and have no linked courses).



If a linked course is in your community, it will vary by the LC's major focus (or theme).

During your first year in the COB, you’ll be introduced to like-minded students and take introduction courses together through a learning community. The goal is to expose you to the different facets of business and set you up for a successful four years.

Available LCs by COB Major

  • COB Major = LC Theme
  • Accounting = Accounting
  • Business Analytics = 管理 Information Systems
  • Business Economics = 管理
  • Business Pre-Law = 管理
  • Entrepreneurship = 管理
  • 金融=金融
  • International Business = 管理
  • 管理 & Strategic 领导 = 管理
  • Marketing = Marketing
  • 管理 Information Systems = 管理 Information Systems
  • Sport 管理 = Sport 管理*
  • Undecided = Undecided*

*Students who are not directly admitted into their selective COB major can enroll in a University College undecided business or pre-sport 管理 learning community. The goals of these are LCs are to help students meet the requirements for gaining admission into the major of their choice.