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Minors on Campus

教育工作者的最大责任莫过于保护与他们一起工作的儿童. newbb电子平台欢迎未成年人到校园参加包括夏令营在内的许多活动, educational programs, athletic camps, events, etc. 这个网页是家长和项目员工/志愿者的信息来源.


The Minors on Campus Policy ( #03.010)  为大学社区中从事与未成年人有关的活动和项目的人员制定要求, with the goal of promoting the safety and well-being of minors. 非大学附属项目的要求将根据操作指南在大学与各个项目的协议(合同)中进行概述.

Program Employees/Volunteers


Program Registration

All programs must complete a Program Registration annually at least two months before the program start date.


All authorized adults who will be working with minors (including OHIO employees, students, student athletes, and volunteers) must complete annual mandatory training prior to the commencement of the program. The two required training courses are: 1. Protecting Children: Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct and 2. Protecting Children: Shine a Light video. Click here to access the training courses.

Training for Hiring Staff Who Work With Minors

所有将参与项目工作人员招聘过程的授权成年人还必须完成上述两门培训课程和保护儿童:雇用与未成年人一起工作的工作人员. Click here to access the training courses if you are part of the hiring staff

It is each program director’s 负责在项目开始前收集所有需要接受培训的人员的结业证书.

New Users

New users will need to use Branch Code: 316-88563 when setting up their account for the first time.


Need Help?

Read United Educators knowledge base articles or contact support at 877-209-2236. All other questions should be directed to

hand filling out form


  • Application & Emergency Contact Information [PDF] – this form must be completed for every participant. The program can include additional information, i.e. t-shirt size, school, grade, etc. but they must include the information that is on this form.
  • Volunteer Agreement and Release [PDF] -项目主管必须确保所有参与项目的志愿者填写并执行此表格. 请注意,主任还必须签署将由志愿者执行的服务不能由newbb电子平台的员工填补. 咨询你的人力资源代表,了解你是否被允许使用志愿者来执行特定的服务. 如果你有演讲嘉宾或访客来参加一个项目,他们会在很短的时间内出现,并且不会在意, custody or control of any minors, they do not need to do volunteer paperwork or get a background check.
  • Photo and Film Waiver [PDF]– if the program will record anything via photo, video, etc., or plans to post pictures or videos on social media, then this form needs to be completed by all participants. 这个表格也适用于学生创建照片、视频等的项目. and the program may want to use those for marketing, to display, etc.
  • Staff/Volunteer Tracking Form [XLSX] - After registering your program, 此跟踪表应填写所有直接与未成年人打交道的授权成年人的姓名,并在项目开始日期之前交回风险管理办公室.   这将有助于核实在项目开始日期之前根据本政策提供的所有背景调查.
  • In-Person Program Staff Code of Conduct [PDF]
  • Virtual Program Staff Code of Conduct [PDF]
  • Virtual Program Participant Code of Conduct [PDF]


  • 所有项目主管和相关辅导员/工作人员必须在营地前检查这些填写好的表格,并准备好容纳未成年人并妥善储存药物.
  • If you have a resident program (overnight), 你收集的所有药物/药物必须有药物管理授权表,并且必须有受过医疗培训的人(最好是护士)来分配药物,如果药物有不良反应该怎么做. 例外情况包括签字医生指示必须在人身上使用的药物(如.e. rescue inhaler, EpiPen, insulin, etc.)
  • Medical Information and Consent [PDF]– all participants must have this form completed prior to attending a program.
  • Authorization for Medication Administration [XLSX]-如果参与者携带正在或可能在项目期间使用的药物/药物进入校园,则填写此表格.e. rescue inhaler, EpiPen, antibiotics, etc.). 未填妥此表格,参加者不得在校园内服用药物.

Releases for Recreational Programs

Releases for Educational Programs

Release for Virtual Programs

Release Third Party Programs

Background Checks 

A background check(s) must be conducted on all university faculty, staff, appointees, students, student employees, graduate assistants, 以及为以下未成年人(18岁以下或21岁以下因精神或身体残疾而无法自理的个人)项目工作的志愿者:

  1. Any faculty, staff, appointee, student, student employee, graduate assistant, or volunteer working with a program(s), who is likely to have responsibility for the care, custody, 或控制未成年人作为项目的一部分(“个人需要接受背景调查”), 必须在项目开始前完成俄亥俄州刑事调查局指纹背景调查(“BCI检查”).
  2. 需要接受背景调查的个人,如果在过去五年内没有在俄亥俄州居住过,必须同时接受BCI检查和联邦调查局背景调查(“FBI检查”)。.
  3. 在法律要求或个人需要接受背景调查的地方是在涉及淋浴的设施或项目的一部分, changing or sleeping facilities, the individual must have both a BCI check and an FBI check.
  4. 被要求接受背景调查的离职时间少于12个月的个人必须在人力资源部门进行披露 Arrest or Conviction Self-Disclosure Form [WORD] any arrests or convictions that occurred during the break prior to rehire. If a break in service is longer than 12 months, 需要接受背景调查的个人必须在重新雇用之前进行新的BCI检查,如果需要接受背景调查的个人在服务中断期间居住在俄亥俄州以外的州,也必须在重新雇用之前完成FBI检查.
  5. BCI检查必须每四年完成一次,才有资格参与项目.
    -所有需要进行背景调查的个人必须在人力资源上准确披露 Arrest or Conviction Self-Disclosure Form [WORD] any arrests, felony convictions, misdemeanor convictions, 或在被雇用后或在被逮捕或定罪后三天内被接受为志愿者后,对无抗辩(nolo contendere)表示认罪.
  6. 所有被要求接受背景调查的个人也必须每年与国家性犯罪者登记处进行核对. University Human Resources will perform these checks for faculty and staff.

    To request a National Sex Offender Registry Check for a student employee, please email the following information to

    * "I am requesting a National Sex Offender Registry Check”
    * Name of employee to be checked
    * Email of employee to be checked
    * A valid university account number for billing (each check is currently $6.05)

  7. 对年龄在18岁以下的个人进行背景调查时,必须得到父母的同意.
  8. A third party vendor background check, including those required at the time of hire for university employees, is insufficient for individuals requiring a background check.
  9. 单位或项目可能要求对更广泛类别的个人进行背景调查,而不仅仅是那些可能负责护理的人, custody, 或者在有商业或风险理由的情况下,将未成年人作为项目的一部分, 对特定职位的检查是一致的,背景调查项目已经得到了大学人力资源部门的批准.
  10. Units must perform background checks on individuals as required by law. 背景调查必须由风险管理办公室(Office of Risk Management)完成和审查,然后才能雇用或以其他方式选择需要进行背景调查的个人.
  11. 将被取消参与项目工作资格的违法行为包括人力资源清单上列出的违法行为 Arrest or Conviction Self-Disclosure Form [WORD] or a violation of an existing or former law of this state, any other state, 或美国,实质上相当于所列任何罪行.
  12. 如果大学根据BCI检查或FBI检查结果拒绝了要求进行背景调查的个人的职位, 大学人力资源部将按照适当的协议向背景调查对象提供通知.

Steps to obtain a background check:

  1. At Ohio University, Bobcat Depot offers background checks. Find more information on the Bobcat Depot website. For those who are not on the Athens Campus, find your location at Webcheck® Locations.
  2. Send an email to your program faculty, staff, appointees, students, student employees, graduate assistants, and volunteers and include:
  • The account number to bill the BCI and/or FBI checks to;
  • Write Ohio Revised Code Section 5104.013 into the form for Ohio BCI background checks and NCPA/VCA for FBI background checks; and
  • 所有BCI/FBI背景调查结果必须发送审查的地址是:newbb电子平台, Attn: Risk Management C/O Larry Wines, Grosvenor Hall 345, 1 Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
  • 别忘了,项目主管也必须进行适当的背景调查.

      3. Accepting and Distributing Background Check Results:

  • 现有或未来的雇员或志愿者有权获得犯罪历史记录的副本, if any, contained in the report, 对任何此类报告所载任何资料的准确性和完整性提出质疑的权利, 并在newbb电子平台在审查犯罪历史信息时对该人作出最终决定之前,获得对该质疑的有效性的确定. 有关这些权利的信息可通过联系BCI,鉴定部,P.O Box 365 London, Ohio 43140, or by contacting the FBI, regarding federal/national records, at FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Attn: SCU, MOD D-2, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306, (304) 625-3878.
  • 背景调查结果的副本可以通过给Lori Markins发邮件获得 with a copy to Larry Wines at 然后,员工或志愿者将在格罗夫纳345号大厅停下来,在那里他们将把结果放在一个信封里,上面写着员工或志愿者的名字和日期/时间. Upon showing photo ID to the ESC staff, the employee or volunteer will receive the envelope containing the results.
  • 只要需要接受背景调查的个人符合上述时间和居住要求,并使用ORC第5104条,我们只接受其他实体合法提供的背景调查结果.013, 2151.86 or 3319.39.
  • 除非得到州和联邦法律的授权,newbb电子平台不得复制和/或传播犯罪历史记录供校外使用.  联邦调查局允许与其他符合条件的实体共享犯罪历史记录,前提是:
    • 该其他实体被授权接收来自美国刑事司法系统的犯罪历史记录信息.S. Department of Justice in the manner specified herein and the other entity’s qualifying status is verified; and
    • 需要进行背景调查的个人在用户提交给BCI的适用的现任或潜在员工或志愿者的指纹卡的“原因指纹”栏中适当列出“NCPA/VCA志愿者”或“NCPA/VCA员工”.

Emergency Information

  • View emergency alerts and sign up to receive alerts at the Alert OHIO web page
  • 每个项目必须与应急项目经理吉尔·哈里斯一起制定应急计划. Contact Jill Harris at or 740-593-9532.
  • 每个夏令营辅导员/主任必须随身携带一个花名册,上面有每个参与者的名字和紧急newbb电子平台.
  • 每个项目主管都必须在营地开始前建立一个电子列表(电子邮件或文本),其中包含未成年人的紧急联系人.
  • 对于每个项目,让家长知道应急沟通的方式是什么.
  • All programs must also provide an emergency contact list to Nikki Ohms, Assistant Director of Conference Services, in conjunction with any other information required, as applicable

Record Retention

After the program is over, the program director must follow the records retention instructions

Incident Report

If there is an incident or injury involving non-employees (program participants, visitors to campus, or students), a Non-Employee Incident Report must be filled out by an Ohio University employee and submitted to Larry Wines.

Supervision Ratios


Age of ParticipantsStaff-to-Participant Ratio for
 Overnight Program
Staff-to-Participant Ratio for
 Day Programs