

使命及抱负 Statements

  • 任务

    The Heritage College is dedicated to improving human health and promoting wellness in underserved communities through research discovery, 创新, 和合作伙伴.

  • 愿景

    Be the model of basic and translational research for rural and underserved communities.




    Be the top osteopathic research school in terms of funding and impact.



    Be nationally recognized for research Centers of Excellence (COEs) in Appalachia.



    Prepare and train the next generations of researchers to create a healthy future for the communities that we serve.


  1. Elevate brand recognition for HCOM’s research programs in Appalachia, throughout Ohio, and beyond.
  2. Strengthen existing and build new external partnerships through mutually identified research collaborations, drawing on respective research strengths.
  3. Enhance and promote a partnership framework among faculty within HCOM and across 俄亥俄州 to further team science and mentorship opportunities.
  4. 招募, 开发, and retain research talent that builds on our existing strengths and expands our expertise.
  5. Pursue funding opportunities consistent with a diverse portfolio.
  6. Expand research training opportunities and 开发 a continual learning and professional 开发ment program for faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.
  7. Strengthen the research infrastructure to support diverse research through targeted investments in administrative support, 设施, 技术, 和设备.

The Heritage 大学研究 Council welcomes comments and suggestions. 

The Heritage 大学研究 Council has the responsibility to recommend and prioritize initiatives and mechanisms to 开发, promote and administer the strategic research mission of the College and advise 俄亥俄州 leadership. 

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