



newbb电子平台 has permission from the US government to sponsor two types of student visas. F-1签证是最常见的学生签证类型. The J-1 visa is often used by students who are financially sponsored by their government, 或者是参加交换项目的学生. 俄亥俄州向新入学的学生发送签证文件, and the student uses that paperwork to request a visa stamp in their passport.


Federal regulations place many limitations on both visa categories, 结果就是, not every program at 俄亥俄州 will be able to bring students on an F-1 or J-1 visa. 学生 are expected to study full-time, and to have a physical presence on campus. Online programs and Part-time programs are not appropriate for these students. In general, Hybrid programs are not compatible with either status. 然而, if a hybrid program has a very strong in-person component, ISSS and the Graduate College can review for suitability.


For some students, traveling outside of the US can be a stressful, and even risky experience. 美国.S. State Department issues visas of different lengths to different students. Sometimes the visa does not last as long as the academic program. In that scenario, if a student travels abroad they must apply for a new visa at a U.S. 大使馆. While it is not common for a continuing student to be denied a visa, 否认的风险总是存在的. Without that visa, the student may not return to the country to resume their degree.

If you find that a student has concerns about traveling overseas, 请鼓励他们来与国际科学院的指导老师交谈.



  • Undergraduate students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits every fall and spring semester.
  • Graduate students must enroll in a minimum of 9 credits every fall and spring semester.
  • If a student begins a new program in the summer, they must enroll full-time that summer. (未来的夏季是可选的.)
  • Only 3 online credits can count towards the full-time enrollment. (一旦达到12或9学分的要求, 学生可以注册额外的在线课程.)
  • Graduate students enrolled in an FTE (Full-time equivalency) course are considered to be enrolled full-time. The course must be identified as FTE by the Registrar’s office.


Federal regulations strictly limit the circumstances in which an F-1 student can enroll less than full-time. A student must get permission from ISSS before pursuing any of these options.

  • 学术困难 This option may only be used one time during the program. 学生 must keep at least half of the required credits. This option is only available if the department confirms that one of the following circumstances applies:
    • Unfamiliarity with US teaching methods (Generally limited to the first semester only)
    • Initial difficulties with the English language (Generally limited to the first semester only)
    • Initial difficulties with the reading requirements (Generally limited to the first semester only)
    • 课程水平设置不当
  • 最后一个学期 If a student is in the final semester of their academic program, they are only required to take the credits that are necessary to finish their degree. 请注意,在线限制仍然适用, 如果只需要一门课程, 它不能在线.
  • 医疗建议 A student can be authorized to enroll in reduced or 0 credits if a licensed doctor or a licensed clinical psychologist recommends it. There is a 12 month cumulative limit per degree level on this option.


Federal regulations limit a student’s ability to be employed. The following are some basic details about employment options available to F-1 students.

  • 校园就业 学生可以在校园里为newbb电子平台工作. During the fall and spring semesters, they cannot work more than 20 hours per week. During breaks, the standard student employment limitations apply.
  • 课程实践训练(CPT) ISSS may issue off-campus work authorization for students pursuing work that is an integral part of their degree program. 工作必须与学生的专业相关. 学生可以通过三种方式获得资格:
    • The student’s program of study requires the work experience of every student.
    • The student is enrolled in an internship course and the credits will count towards the degree.
    • A graduate student needs a work experience to contribute directly and substantially to a dissertation, 论文, 或与论文相当的项目. 需要额外的文件.
  • 选择性实习训练(OPT) 学生 may apply directly to the US government for permission to work off-campus in a position that is related to their major area of study. Most students will save this option to use after graduation. It takes the government approximately 90 days to process these requests.



  • Undergraduate students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits every fall and spring semester.
  • Graduate students must enroll in a minimum of 9 credits every fall and spring semester.
  • If a student begins a new program in the summer, they must enroll full-time that summer. (未来的夏季是可选的.)
  • No online credits can count towards the full-time enrollment. (学生 are not prohibited from enrolling in online classes, as long as they have met the in-person credit requirement.)
  • Graduate students enrolled in an FTE (Full-time equivalency) course are considered to be enrolled full-time. The course must be identified as FTE by the Registrar’s office.


Federal regulations strictly limit the circumstances in which an J-1 student can enroll less than full-time. A student must get permission from ISSS before pursuing any of these options.

  • 学术困难 The student will need a recommendation from the academic department
  • 最后一个学期 If a student is in the final semester of their academic program, they are only required to take the credits that are necessary to finish their degree.
  • 医疗建议 A student can be authorized to enroll in reduced or 0 credits if a licensed doctor or a licensed clinical psychologist recommends it.


Federal regulations limit a student’s ability to be employed. The following are some basic details about employment options available to J-1 students.

  • 校园就业 学生可以在校园里为newbb电子平台工作. During the fall and spring semesters, they cannot work more than 20 hours per week. During breaks, the standard student employment limitations apply. 学生 must receive authorization from ISSS before beginning employment.
  • 学术培训 ISSS may grant students permission to work off-campus for work that is related to their degree. 学术部门必须支持这一请求. 学生 may use this option during or after their academic program.