听力, Speech, and Language Sciences

The 荣誉导师学院 (HTC) Program in 听力, 言语与语言科学旨在通过个性化的听力训练,为合格的学生提供以研究为导向的本科体验, 演讲, 语言科学.



HSLS HTC项目的理念是基于这样一种理念,即教育的目的是智力增长,而不是知识的静态传播. 学生被视为教育的积极参与者,而不是被动的接受者. 除了获得事实知识外,他们还应该培养科学的思维方式. 因此, high motivation and intellectual independence are the qualities expected of HTC students. HTC项目的个性化要求学生在自己的教育中承担更多的责任.

In addition to coursework, HTC students are required to complete five tutorials and 一篇论文. 教程, in which faculty members meet with students individually or in small groups, are the hallmark of all HTC programs. 辅导课和论文允许HTC的学生与教师密切合作,以获得丰富的教育经验. 

To facilitate the tutorial education, academic resources are available including priority registration, special residence hall availability, 增强的库权限, 研究支持, eligibility to undertake graduate work, 海外教育机会, 以及奖学金的可获得性. 通识教育的要求也保持在最低限度,让学生灵活地探索他们的智力兴趣.


The HTC program in HSLS starts in the spring semester of sophomore year. Prospective students apply for admission in the fall of sophomore year. 申请过程竞争非常激烈,需要一名HSLS教员的推荐信. 3分的学生.5 GPA or above are invited to apply in the fall semester; applications are due on October 1 (See below for more details on the application and admission process).

During spring semester of their sophomore year, admitted students participate in a tutorial with 教务主任. 在本教程中, 学生有机会就他们的研究项目与个别教师见面. 学生还至少参加一次由HTC提供的研讨会,以与HTC社区建立有意义的联系. During junior and senior year, students undertake the required coursework, tutorials, and 一篇论文. 

This design is motivated by a number of considerations. 第一个, 完成一部分基础课程是学生充分利用补习教育的必要条件. 第二个, 基础课程的学习成绩可以让教师和未来的学生评估他们的能力和是否适合导师制的学习模式. Though ACT scores are strongly considered, academic performance is equally important. Finally, faculty members endorsing prospective students may serve as potential thesis advisors.


The HTC program in HSLS accepts applicants from current newbb电子平台 students only. Prospective students apply in their sophomore year. Admitted students start the HTC program in their junior year. In accordance with the on-campus transfer guidelines set forth by the 荣誉导师学院, 有兴趣申请HSLS HTC项目的学生应在申请中包括以下材料:

  • A当前的dar.
  • A statement of purpose describing the reasons for pursuing the HTC track, the qualifications and fit for the HTC track, and the general content area for the proposed thesis research.
  • 写作样本.
  • 一份由熟悉其学术工作的HSLS教师提供的完整背书.

newbb电子程序s should be submitted by the Friday of the 7th week of the fall term to:

Dr. 朝阳李
Honors Tutorial Program in 听力, Speech and Language Sciences


申请将由研究主任和由HSLS教师组成的招生委员会审查, 谁将为荣誉学院院长的最终批准提供入学推荐. Interviews with 教务主任 and other HSLS faculty members may also be required. In addition, an interview with the Dean of HTC may be arranged as part of the review process. 入学 decisions are made by the end of the fall semester. Admitted students officially enroll in the HTC in the spring semester of their sophomore year.


The HTC requires all students to satisfy the University's English composition requirement, complete a series of tutorials and 一篇论文, 保持最小值为3.5 in overall grade point average (GPA). 听力, Speech and Language Sciences requires HTC students to complete a minimum of five tutorials, a seminar offered by HTC (HC 2500 or 2900), 一篇论文, 以及一系列旨在让学生理解正常人类交流过程的课程,以及介绍语言病理学和听力学的课程. HTC students are expected to maintain a minimum of 3.HSLS专业课程平均成绩5分.

课程要求与传统的HSLS专业基本相同,只有少数例外(见常见问题比较表)。. In brief, the HTC program has fewer General 教育 requirements. 课程作业要求的灵活性是为了促进导师制的教育模式,而不是为了实现加速学习. 和传统专业一样, HTC students are expected to complete their undergraduate program of study in four years.

教程. A minimum of five tutorials are required. The first three tutorials may include, 但不限于, (1) a tutorial in faculty research exploration, (2)研究方法的指导, (3)指导教师确定论文选题,制定论文研究计划. The two senior tutorials are used to carry out the thesis research.

HSLS 2970T大二教程
HSLS 3970T初级教程1
HSLS 3980T初级教程2
HSLS 4970T高级教程1
HSLS 4980T高级教程2

论文说明书. 为论文研究做准备, 宏达国际要求在大四秋季学期开始时提交论文招股说明书. The Prospectus should include the title of the thesis, 介绍, 研究问题和方法, 有注释的参考书目, and a completed thesis prospectus cover sheet, available at the HTC 论文 Guidelines page. 我们强烈鼓励学生在大三的春季参加HTC (HC 2900)提供的写作课程,为招股说明书做准备. The writing course also satisfies the Tier I advanced English composition requirement.

论文. All HTC students are required to complete 一篇论文. 他们应该在大三秋季结束前确定一名教员担任论文指导. The senior tutorials are used to carry out the thesis research, 通常在大四的春季学期完成,并向公众做口头报告. Preparation of the thesis should follow the information specified in the HTC 论文 Guidelines, available at the HTC 论文 Guidelines page.


教程的评估. 荣誉辅导学院要求教师对学生在每次辅导中的表现进行评估. 在一个学期的最后一周, 教师导师完成一份教程描述和评估表格,并将评估提交给研究主任, who would forward the evaluation to the 荣誉导师学院.

第一年投资组合回顾. 所有HTC学生在第一年结束时都要接受正式的学术进展评估. Students are required to prepare a portfolio to demonstrate academic progress. Details on the portfolio contents and sample portfolios are available at the HTC headquarters. Progress reviews will consist of a meeting between the student, 教务主任, 以及HTC的院长. 在评估学生的能力和适合论文研究时,也会考虑来自HSLS教师的意见. 审查将决定学生是否应该留在HTC计划或转移到传统的学士学位计划.

论文评价. Upon completion of the thesis research, students are required to give a public oral presentation. Following approval by the thesis director, the thesis will be submitted to Dean of the 荣誉导师学院 for final approval.


Dr. 朝阳李

Dr. 朝阳李
Honors Tutorial Program in 听力, Speech and Language Sciences

Dr. 李朝阳领奖
Presidential Teacher Award finalist 朝阳李 accepts his award at Baker Ballroom on Oct. 31, 2018. 汉娜·鲁霍夫摄


Ph.D., Cognitive Science, Brown University
B.Sc., Psychology, National Chengchi University


作为一名语言科学家. Lee对听者如何从声音信号中提取信息以检索语言表征感兴趣. 他的研究考察了语音信号和听者特征的声学变异性如何影响对口语单词的理解.


维纳,年代., & 李,C.-Y. (2020). 多语者的讲话促进了第一语言和第二语言听者基于知识的口语单词识别. 心理学前缘,11:214. doi: 10.3389 / fpsyg.2020.00214

维纳,年代.李,C.-Y., & 道,我. (2019). 统计规律影响第二语言言语知觉:来自普通话课堂学习者的证据. 语言学习,69(3),527-558. doi: 10.1111 /朗.12342

李,C.-Y., & 张,Y. (2018). Processing lexical and speaker information in repetition and semantic/associative priming. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 47(1), 65-78. doi: 10.1007/s10936-017-9514-y

刘正,F.-C.李,C.-Y.麦克唐纳,T. N.甘奇,H. M.,蒂茨,E. A., & 哈特,B. N. (2017). 在正常听力的成年人中,皮层下频率编码错误与说话人变异性不耐受有关. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, 142(3), EL270-275. doi: 10.1121/1.5002150

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