
The tutorial programs in the 物理 and Astronomy Department offer unique opportunities for exceptional students. 专业从事物理及相关领域的深入研究, while broadening their knowledge in subjects suiting their individual interests.

Graduates of the program may go on to jobs in a variety of scientific and technical fields, 或者选择继续研究生学习和从事研究工作.

该计划的核心是教程, in which the student studies selected material in a given subject area under the guidance of a faculty member acting as tutor. 在个别的每周会议上, 通常持续90分钟左右, 学生和导师讨论每周的阅读, 解决问题的方法, 还有其他作业. 教程将贯穿整个四年的课程


Students typically spend one-semester to one-third of their total time (and academic credit) in tutorials, the rest being in laboratories or in other required or elective classes. Because the 荣誉导师学院 has no specific general education (or "distribution") requirements, students are free to create unique courses of study in subjects outside their major fields according to personal taste. 物理学和天文学的学生经常选修化学课程, 生物学, and computer science; but interest in areas much further afield, 比如音乐, 语言, 或历史, 也很受鼓舞吗.


  • 物理 (major code BS1905) - The 物理 major begins with a solid foundation in classical and modern physics leading to deeper study in more specialized areas including quantum mechanics, 热力学, 核与基本粒子物理, 以及凝聚态物理. The Bachelor of Science degree in 物理 is appropriate for students whose plans include graduate work in physics or a career in industrial research.
  • 天体物理学 (major code BS1931) - The Bachelor of Science degree in 天体物理学 is intended for students interested in pursuing graduate work in astronomy, 或者规划与空间科学相关的职业生涯. 课程包括与物理专业相同的基础, with astrophysics courses making up a significant part of the sophomore, 大三和大四. 毕业论文的主题应该是天体物理学.
  • 工程物理 (major code BS1925) - This program is offered jointly by the 物理 and Astronomy Department and the Russ College of Engineering and Technology.

A double major can also be developed by the student in consultation with the Directors of studies in the respective departments.


The senior thesis is required for graduation with a degree from the 荣誉导师学院. 研究 studies and thesis writing typically occupy a student part-time for one academic year. The topic can be in any of the fields included in the required courses, or in some other area of physics as arranged with the student's advisor.


Courses required for the 物理 and 天体物理学 majors are listed below, 虽然不是所有的课程都必须在指定的年份学习. 除了, all students must satisfy the freshman and junior English Composition requirements.


1st year: 物理 freshman seminar, Tutorials (mechanics, electricity & 磁、热、波、光学、狭义相对论)、微积分

第二年:辅导课(量子力学、原子核) & 粒子), 电子实验室, 微积分, 微分方程, 傅里叶分析

第三年:教程(高级机制), 特殊的主题), 电子, 光子, 和核子实验室, 热力学, 统计力学, 矢量分析

第四年:电力 & 磁学、相对论、量子力学、毕业论文


1st year: 物理 freshman seminar, Tutorials (mechanics, electricity & 磁、热、波、光学、狭义相对论)、微积分

第二年:辅导课(量子力学、原子核) & 粒子), 电子实验室, 天体物理学基础, 恒星天体物理学, 微积分, 微分方程, 傅里叶分析

第三年:教程(高级机制), 特殊的主题), 热力学, 统计力学,银河结构, 银河系外的天文学 & 宇宙学,电子,光子和核子实验室,矢量分析

第四年:电力 & Magnetism, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Observational 天体物理学, Senior Thesis

物理 and 天体物理学 students take a mixture of tutorials and regular classes. 对于这两个, a syllabus at the beginning of the semester will be given to the student that will outline the particular grading policy for the class or tutorial. 辅导课通常通过考试来评分, 辅导会上的作业和表现.


物理 and astronomy students are strongly encouraged to gain experience as research assistants, either in the 物理 and Astronomy Department's laboratories or through temporary internships at other universities, 研究中心, 或国家实验室或天文台. 研究工作通常在第三或第四年开始, 虽然机会有时会提前出现, 并且经常成为学生毕业论文的基础. 研究 opportunities are available in the Department in the following areas:

  • 凝聚态物质与表面科学: 创建, 研究, 模拟新物质的性质, 比如磁性薄膜和半导体
  • 天文学和天体物理学: 研究星系和星系团的结构和演化, 类星体的能量来源, 以及暗物质和暗能量的本质
  • 核与粒子物理: investigating how the basic building blocks of matter interact with each other, 以及它们如何结合形成我们所知道的元素
  • 生物物理学: using experimental techniques and computer modeling to understand processes in living systems, 包括细胞粘附, 相互作用的神经元, 和天然的防冻蛋白.

除了, advanced students interested in teaching can sometimes be given paid appointments as teaching assistants.


The 物理 and Astronomy Department annually awards Shipman 奖学金 to qualified freshman majors. 希普曼奖目前价值1500美元. There is also a special Shipman Scholarship for women and minorities. Award of a Shipman Scholarship does not preclude the recipient from receiving other newbb电子平台 financial aid and scholarships. The Shipman scholarship deadline is February 1 and a paper application must be filled out. This is separate from any other application for University financial aid.


Students are carefully selected by the 荣誉导师学院 and the 物理 and Astronomy Tutorial Board on the basis of superior ability and sustained motivation. The personalized aspects of the tutorial system occasionally make it possible to accept students who have performed less well on standardized measures of ability but who demonstrate exceptional aptitude in other ways.


Dr. 大卫Drabold








Dr. 大卫Drabold
剪断357 b


Ph.D.美国华盛顿大学. 路易)(1989)


Dr. 德拉博尔德的研究领域包括理论凝聚态物质, 电子结构的计算方法, 拓扑无序材料理论. He is a member of the Condensed Matter and Surface Science Program at newbb电子平台.


Dr. Drabold's recent publications include "Symmetry Breaking and low energy conformational fluctuations in amorphous graphene" (2013), "Direct ab initio molecular dynamic study of ultrafast phase change in Ag-alloyed Ge2Sb2Te5" (2013), and "Dangling-bond defect in a-Si:H: Characterization of network and strain effects by first-principles calculation of the EPR parameters" (2013).

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