

一个强大的基于团队的协作工具,提供群组聊天, 引导谈话, 即时消息, 实时文档协作, 音频或视频通话, 和 meetings (from one-on-ones to fully-featured audio/video conferences). Persistent histories make it easy to review past conversations 和 sh是d 文档.




  • 下载Teamsnewbb电子程序 Windows或Mac.

  • Mobile apps 是 available for iOS, Android, 和 Windows Phone 10 from their respective app stores 



  • 通过Teams或电话加入远程会议:

    • 任何人

  • 成为一个团队的所有者或共同所有者:

    • 教职员工和退休人员

  • To be a Team member or to use Teams for individual or small-group private chats:

    • Term active students, current 教师/staff, emeriti, or be a guest (invited by a Team owner).

  • To create a meeting that includes an audio conferencing telephone number: 

    • Current students; full-time 教师, administrative, classified non-bargaining 和 OUPD staff.



  • 如果你  使用一个 Blackboard Ultra课程,您可以使用 工具 位于您的Blackboard课程中.

  • 如果你  using a Blackboard Ultra Course or need a unique combination of sections/courses combined into one Team, 提交 团队自动创建表单,这将:

    1. Automatically create a Team for an OHIO course or a Team that includes students from up to five (5) courses

    2. Add 和 maintain student membership based on official enrollment records

  • Please note that the instructor will need to add any co-instructors or teaching assistants manually.

Instructors, Staff, 和 Emeriti: Request a Team for non-course purposes

请联系IT服务台 并要求 微软集团 使用Teams访问. 请准备好提供以下信息:

  • 学院或学院 

  • 部门:  对于一个组织,这应该是赞助部门.

  • 首选显示名称:  您的组的简短描述性名称.  集团的共享电子邮件地址将以该名称为基础.

  • 小组/团队目的: 

  • 该团队将被用于俄亥俄课程吗? Note that Teams for Classroom works well to promote collaboration 和 interaction among students, 但它不是一个学习管理系统. 使用Teams的最佳方式是作为 黑板上学习.

  • Will the Group be used to store sensitive data (HIPAA, FERPA, PHI, etc.)? 

  • 组所有者(s):  的 Name 和 Ohio email address of at least one person who will be responsible for managing Group membership.



  • 闲谈,聊天 – Have private one-on-one or group conversations via text, audio, or video.

  • 会议 和 生活事件 – Schedule 和 invite OHIO 和 non-OHIO participants to audio/video conference-based meetings or live-streamed events. Teams meeting invitations synchronize automatically with Outlook calendar.

    • 一起模式:把所有的参与者放在一个虚拟的讲堂里

    • 大型图库模式:最多49个参与者同时显示在屏幕上

    • Focus Mode: Turn off camera feeds 和 audio 和 concentrate on your presentation

    • 会议 will now open in a separate window for better access 和 sharing capabilities

    • Want to know more about whether a 会议 or Live Event is right for you? 导航到上的网页 在会议和现场活动中使用微软团队

  • 在线研讨会 – Schedule 和 invite OHIO 和 non-OHIO participants to a more controlled online meeting. Participants have clear roles: One or several experts (the presenters) sh是 their ideas or provide training to an audience (the attendees).

  • 活动提要 – View recent activities in Teams 和 搜索 for specific conversations, files, people, 和 more.

  • 渠道 – Focus your Team's discussions by creating topic- or project-specific channels to hold conversations, 开会, 在文件上进行协作.

  • 文件 -查看,编辑,并在团队内的OneDrive文件协作.

  • 选项卡 -为聊天或频道添加内容或功能. 选项卡 can include websites, Office 365 applications, 和 select non-Microsoft content.

  • Teams Apps -为Microsoft Teams添加功能.

    • 转变 为团队创建、管理和更新计划.

    • 形式 – Create an instant, real-time poll in seconds to gather feedback from 你的团队渠道 和 会议、活动和网络研讨会参与者.

    • 白板 - 的 collaborative digital canvas in Microsoft 365 for effective meetings 和 engaging 学习ing. 的 Teams 白板 works exceptionally well to convey information that requires visual representation, 比如数学方程. 

      • OIT已经在Wacom平板电脑上测试了Teams 白板, 表面的优点, 和ipad, 并能提供相应的支持.

    • 对讲机 - Use your Teams mobile app for simple, secure instant voice communication.

    • 批准 - Streamline your requests 和 processes by creating new approvals, 查看提交给您的批准, 并查看所有过去的批准通知.


Teams includes additional features for interacting with students in a classroom setting.

微软不断为Teams发布新特性. 访问 Microsoft Teams有什么新功能 or type "/whatsnew" into the Teams 搜索 bar to view the latest updates.


  • Teams works in conjunction with other Microsoft applications such as OneDrive, OneNote, 和Office 365 微软集团.



  • 协作工具咨询社区 对俄亥俄的学生开放吗, 教师, 和 staff who have an interest in collaboration 工具 including chat, 远程会议, 内部网, 存储解决方案.




微软团队有很多 支持可访问性的特性.

newbb电子平台 strives to make its digital resources 和 services accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities who may also be using assistive technology. If special steps 是 necessary in order to improve the accessibility of experiences for end-users, 必须采取这些步骤. 
如果你 experience a barrier that affects your ability to access OHIO websites, 视频, 网上论坛, 文档, 或其他资讯科技, 请让我们知道
For further information about OHIO's digital accessibility resources, see:


newbb电子平台 资讯保安办事处 strives to educate 和 empower the University community to appropriately manage risks 和 protect OHIO’s information 和 systems. 这项工作是通过政策来促进的, 标准, 以及信息安全风险管理方案, as well as other 工具 和 guidance that 是 provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the University community can teach, 学习, 进行研究. 




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