newbb电子平台政策手册”中使用的编号系统,“因此,新的政策声明可能会被分配与已经使用的数字一致, 这样人们就可以更容易地找到解决特定问题的政策声明.' name="description"/> 01.002 | Ohio University-newbb电子平台

01.002: Policy Numbering System




July 12, 2016

Initiated by:

John Biancamano |总法律顾问 

Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit |执行副校长兼教务长

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

  1. Overview

    本政策描述了“newbb电子平台政策手册”中使用的编号系统,“因此,新的政策声明可能会被分配与已经使用的数字一致, 这样人们就可以更容易地找到解决特定问题的政策声明.

    1. Number format

      策略编号系统将是由两位总分类号和三位索引号组成的五位数字, separated by a period, in the form, "XX.YYY,”根据需要,每个部分都带有前导零.

    2. Administrative Code

      Senate Bill 3, effective September 17, 2014, 要求newbb电子平台的校规在学校网站(e.g.(本手册),并作为《newbb电子平台》的一部分. There is a direct mapping between the policy number and the Administrative Code number; the primary differences are that the Administrative Code number includes a prefix that is unique to Ohio university, 在行政代码系统中,前导零很少可用. For example, our "Policy 03.004" will be identified as "rule 3337-3-04 of the Administrative Code"; our "Policy 41.125" will be identified as "rule 3337-41-125 of the Administrative Code"; etc. (In some contexts, 行政法规的规则编号可能在“3337-”和从我们的政策编号派生的最后两个部分之间有额外的部分). 虽然行政代码中显示的数字并不总是五位, the numerical values do match.

    3. Reserved numbers

      The "Administrative Policy Manual," the "Faculty Handbook," and the "Student Code of Conduct是不同的文件:每个文件都有自己的正式审查和批准程序, 没有一个是其他的一部分.

      有些问题在“教师手册”中更适合解决, or the "Student Code of Conduct," rather than as part of this policy manual; other issues are best addressed here; and some issues will be addressed in more than one of those locations.

      为了促进作为行政法典一部分的所有三类规则的出版, 同时防止由于它们之间的编号冲突而产生的歧义, 几个通用分类号是“保留的”:它们不会分配给任何管理策略, to ensure that their corresponding numbers within the Administrative Code are available for publication of faculty and student rules; see parts (D) and (H) of this policy.

    4. Assignment of numbers



  2. 一般分类00至09:
    General subjects

    1. Organization charts

    2. General policy

    3. 与多个其他一般分类重叠的问题

      Examples include the following:

      1. Space and facilities usage

      2. 骚扰与职业操守

      3. ID cards

  3. 一般分类10至19:
    Academic matters

    1. Colleges

      1. Arts and sciences

      2. Business

      3. Communication

      4. Education

      5. Engineering

      6. Fine arts

      7. Graduate

      8. Health sciences and professions

      9. Honors

      10. Osteopathic medicine

      11. University

    2. Student academic records

      1. 获取公共和私人信息

      2. 注册,放弃和退出

      3. Grading

    3. Library

    4. Learning resources

    5. Off-campus academic programs

    6. Institutional research

    7. International affairs

    8. 研究及知识产权

    9. Emeritus status

    10. 教员和学术带头人的任命和评价

      (See also parts (F)(6) and (H) of this policy.)

    11. Centers and institutes

  4. 一般分类20至29:
    Student matters

    通用分类第27号保留给Student Code of Conduct以及相关文件,如部分所述 (A)(3) of this policy.

    1. Student personnel

    2. 健康和心理服务

    3. Placement and internship

    4. Fraternity and sorority affairs

    5. 学生活动和公共场合

    6. 住宿服务和住宿生活

    7. University discipline

    8. Athletics

    9. Campus recreation

    10. 学生经济援助和奖学金

  5. 一般分类30至39:

    1. Alumni

    2. Regional development

    3. Public affairs

    4. Public information

    5. University publications

    6. Ohio university foundation

    7. Construction

    8. Space utilization

    9. Renovations

    10. Engineering

    11. Title grants

  6. General classifications 40-49:
    Administrative matters

    1. 注册,招生,日程安排,和摄政报告

    2. 办公室及环境服务

    3. 设施管理及维修

    4. Vehicles

    5. newbb电子平台警察局

    6. 人力资源及就业事宜

      1. Employment

        1. Appointments

        2. Hiring

        3. Transfer

        4. Promotion

        5. Demotion

        6. Separation

      2. Benefits

        1. Educational

        2. 团体保险和工伤赔偿

        3. 为员工提供帮助和发展计划

        4. Holidays and vacations

        5. 其他请假和住宿

        6. Retirement

      3. 报酬、奖励和认可

      4. Dispute resolution

      5. 记录及资讯服务

      6. Performance management

      7. 工作场所和职业健康与安全

      8. Payroll

  7. 一般分类50至59:
    Business matters

    1. Financial matters

    2. Controller's functions

      1. Accounts payable

      2. Grants and contracts

      3. Plant funds

      4. General accounting

      5. Property accounting

      6. Procurement

      7. Surplus

    3. Treasurer functions

      1. Bursar

      2. Accounts receivable

      3. Foundation accounting

      4. Cash management

  8. 一般分类60至69:
    Faculty matters

    一般分类编号60至69保留予Faculty Handbook以及相关文件,如部分所述 (A)(3) of this policy.

  9. 一般分类90至99:
    Information technology matters

    1. Administrative support

    2. Academic support

    3. Voice and data networks

    4. 信息保留、完整性和安全性



  1. 行政人员政策委员会