newbb电子平台 和 administered by the Office of Education Abroad.' name="description"/> 03.014 |newbb电子平台-newbb电子平台

03.014: Cash Advances for Education Abroad Programs






Frank Corris |首席采购官


Kathy Krendl | 执行副校长兼教务长


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 目的

    This policy establishes the process for providing program cash advances ("PCAs") to university employees conducting Education Abroad programs sponsored by newbb电子平台 和 administered by the Office of Education Abroad.

  2. 计划

    尽最大可能, expenses of Education Abroad programs should be managed using prepaid expenses or using the newbb电子平台 Purchasing Card Program. In those cases where the Purchasing Card cannot meet the program needs in full, 费用也不能全额预支, the Travel Office may provide PCAs for University employees conducting official Education Abroad programs. The PCA will only be issued upon recognition 和 agreement of the recipient to the following rules 和 requirements:

    1. A PCA will not be issued more than 10 business days prior to the departure date. Any exception to this policy must be approved both by the Director of the Office of Education Abroad 和 by the 财务高级助理副总裁.

    2. 任何pca都不会低于500美元.

    3. 在例外情况下, a "revolving" PCA may be issued to the employee responsible for a program in-country. Revolving PCAs must be reconciled at the end of each fiscal year.

    4. 用于海外教育考试, employees are permitted multiple non-delinquent PCAs during the length of the education abroad program.

    5. 如果PCA违约, no further advances will be issued to that individual until the delinquency is resolved.

    6. 任何未使用的资金和一个完整的 项目费用报告 (PER) must be submitted to the Director of Education Abroad within 15 calendar days of the end of program business. The unused funds must be deposited immediately to the Cashier in Chubb Hall by the Director of Education Abroad or his or her designee.

    7. The Director of Education Abroad must review 和 approve the PER 和 submit it to the Travel Office within 30 days of the end of program business.

  3. 政策和程序

    1. newbb电子程序

      Request a PCA by completing an Education Abroad 节目预选表. At least 30 days prior to departure date, submit the completed 节目预选表 to the Director of Education Abroad who will submit the 节目预选表 到采购服务, 213A HDL中心, at least 20 business days prior to travel. In instances where circumstances require more time for PCA processing, an exception to policy must be approved by the Director of Education Abroad 和 forwarded to the Travel Office.

    2. 批准

      The form must be approved 和 signed by the Director of Education Abroad, 185年林德利, or his or her designee 和 then forwarded 到采购服务 Travel Office, 213A HDL中心.

    3. 收到预付款

      支票将邮寄给员工, or the funds will be direct deposited into the employee's bank account, according to his or her instructions on the 节目预选表. 直接存入预付款, the employee must be enrolled in the University's direct deposit program for payroll purposes.

    4. Accounting for expenses 和 returning remaining dollars

      1. Within 15 calendar days of the end of program business, the employee will submit a completed 项目费用报告 to the Office of Education Abroad, 185年林德利, for preliminary audit.

        1. 现金必须以美元退还.

        2. Non-cash refunds should be made in the form of a personal or cashier's check made out to newbb电子平台.

        3. All refunded monies must be deposited at the Bursar's office. Receipt of payment issued by the Bursar must be attached to the 项目费用报告.

      2. The Office of Education Abroad will submit an approved 项目费用报告,同时还有 直接付款表格 和 copy of receipt documenting any refunded monies as appropriate, 到采购服务, 213A HDL中心, within 30 calendar days of date of return from Education Abroad program travel.

      3. 用于计算, the end of group travel is the date that education abroad program business ends. In cases where the traveler is not returning directly to newbb电子平台, she or he must make arrangements to submit the completed PER 和 all original receipts, 以及退还任何未使用的款项, within 15 calendar days after the end of program business, 如上所述.

      4. Travelers who are delinquent more than 60 calendar days, in substantiating expenses or refunding remaining funds, will be subject to Payroll deduction of the total outst和ing balance.

      5. 如提交 项目费用报告 is more than 60 calendar days delinquent, the traveler will be ineligible for future advances.

      6. A PCA granted a revolving exception must be reconciled by the end of each fiscal year (or according to the schedule above if the need no longer exists prior to the end of the fiscal year). A 节目预选表项目费用报告 must be submitted 到采购服务 Travel Office, 213A HDL中心, 以更新旋转PCA.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 总统

  2. 执行副校长兼教务长

  3. 行政工作人员

  4. 财务高级助理副总裁

  5. 海外教育办公室主任

  6. 控制器

  7. Director of Office of Audit, Risk, 和 Compliance

  8. 政策及程序检讨委员会