
newbb电子平台 is unequivocally opposed to the misuse of lawful drugs and the possession and use of unlawful drugs. Pursuant to the requirements of the Drug-Free School and Community Act Amendments of 1989 (PL 101-226), newbb电子平台 has adopted and implemented drug and alcohol policies and programs designed to prevent drug and alcohol problems within the university setting. 这些政策和项目旨在尽早发现问题, motivate the affected individuals to seek help and to direct the individual toward the best assistance available.

学生 & 员工遵守newbb电子平台的毒品和酒精政策

All newbb电子平台 students and employees are expected to abide by the terms of the University's policies. A student and/or employee found to be in possession or illegally using drugs and/or alcohol may be subject to appropriate sanctions. 这种制裁可包括:

  • 转介检控;
  • 终止雇佣关系,及/或
  • referral to 的 Office of 社区标准和学生责任 for violations of the 学生 行为准则 which may result in reprimand, 缓刑, 停学或开除.

A disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program. 保证学生和员工享有正当法律程序.


newbb电子平台 is committed to maintaining a campus free of illegal drugs or the unlawful use of alcohol or illicit drugs. newbb电子平台的政策是允许拥有, 消费, and 出售 of alcoholic beverages on campus in accordance with the laws of the 状态 of Ohio, 雅典城的所有法令, 《newbb电子平台》的规定 俄亥俄州商务部酒类管理处(DOLC) 以及newbb电子平台的政策.

Resident students who are of legal age may possess or consume alcoholic beverages in private rooms only. 的 出售 or use of alcoholic beverages on university property requires approval of the Director of Baker University Center as well as compliance with 大学政策24.001 "Use/Sale of 酒精ic Beverages on newbb电子平台 Property and in Fraternity/Sorority Housing Units". newbb电子平台有维护联邦法律的责任, 状态, 以及当地有关吸毒和酗酒的法律. 学生s who choose to possess or use unlawful drugs or misuse lawful drugs or alcohol subject themselves to both arrest and prosecution and newbb电子平台 Conduct action.


在针对newbb电子平台学生的民事或刑事诉讼中, 大学保留这一权利, 出于教育目的, 审查当局采取的任何行动. 大学可以, 由其自行决定, introduce further sanctions if the student's conduct has interfered with the University's exercise of its educational objectives or responsibilities to its members.

newbb电子平台学生行为准则 明确禁止制造, 分布, 出售, 要约出售, 或持有毒品或麻醉品. 的 学生 行为准则 also prohibits the possession and/or use of marijuana and the unauthorized use of alcohol. 学生s found to be in violation of this standard will be subject to the full range of sanctions available under the 学生 行为准则, 包括可能被停学或开除. Being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol does not diminish or excuse the violation of the 学生 行为准则.

A student admitted to newbb电子平台 accepts the responsibility to conform to all newbb电子平台 rules and regulations. 如果证明未能履行这一义务,将有理由给予适当的纪律制裁, 包括驱逐, 悬架, 纪律处分留校察看或训诫.

地方、州 & 联邦法律 & 制裁

适用当地法律制裁, 非法使用的州或联邦法律, possession or 分布 of illicit drugs or alcohol are set forth in the referenced laws.




2925 -毒品罪行
3719 -管制物质



的se sanctions can include 缓刑, fines, driver's license 悬架, and/or incarceration. 未来修订, 修正案, or additions to these or other applicable codes are incorporated into this policy by this reference.


滥用下列物质会造成身体或心理上的伤害. 以下是与每种物质相关的一些健康风险.


饮酒会导致许多显著的行为变化. Even low doses impair judgment and coordination and increase the incidence of aggressive behavior. 非常高的剂量会导致呼吸抑制和死亡. 酒精中毒相当于吸毒过量. 如果和其他中枢神经系统抑制剂一起使用, 酒精的作用成倍增加. 反复使用酒精会导致耐受性和依赖性的改变. 停止饮酒会产生戒断症状,包括颤抖, 幻觉, 抽搐, 和死亡. Long-term 消费 of large quantities of alcohol can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the 肝. Women who drink even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. Children of alcoholic parents have a 40 percent greater risk of developing alcoholism than those whose parents are not alcoholic.


类固醇使用者会经历严重的心血管疾病, 肝, 中枢神经系统, 胃肠, 以及生殖障碍. 在男性中,使用会导致睾丸萎缩、不育、阳痿和生长停滞. 当女性使用类固醇时,会导致不可逆转的男性化和不育. 心理损害包括情绪波动、抑郁和非常有攻击性的行为.


使用抑制剂会导致耐受性和生理上的变化, 以及心理依赖. 几种抑制剂的联合使用(如.g. 安定和酒精)会增强抑制作用,使健康危害成倍增加. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, vomiting, acute psychotic episodes, seizures, 和死亡.


苯环己哌啶(PCP). 大剂量的PCP可能导致惊厥发作、昏迷和死亡. 出现情绪障碍,使用者可能变得暴力, 非理性的, 对自己和他人都有潜在的伤害. Lysergic acid (LSD), mescaline, and psilocybin cause sensations and feelings to change rapidly. 使用者可能会感到恐慌、困惑、焦虑、人格解体和失去控制. 虽然相对罕见, flashbacks are the spontaneous reappearance of the drug experience after use has ceased may occur.


Tolerance, especially at the euphoric effect of narcotics, and physical dependence, develop rapidly. In order to avoid the abstinence syndrome, the addict becomes preoccupied with acquiring the drug. Withdrawal symptoms are extremely uncomfortable, however, they are seldom life-threatening.


High doses of stimulants result in intense personality disturbances including visual and auditory 幻觉, 错觉, 和偏执. 容忍度迅速发展. 兴奋剂之间确实会产生交叉耐受性.g. 甲基苯丙胺及可卡因). 使用可卡因可因心脏骤停或呼吸衰竭而死亡. 兴奋剂会让人上瘾, 虽然戒除兴奋剂的危险性比戒除镇静剂的危险性小, 抑郁会使人容易自杀.


的 mood altering effects of marijuana are the result of the chemical delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is fat soluble and can remain in the body up to three weeks after smoking one marijuana cigarette. 因此,即使是偶尔的使用者也可以通过尿液分析检测出来. 研究表明,经常使用可能会对使用者的大脑产生长期影响, 心脏和生殖器官. 的 numerous carcinogenic chemicals found in marijuana make it particularly harmful to the lungs. 记忆丧失, 缺乏动力, 经常使用大麻会导致注意力持续时间缩短. 长期使用可能导致心理依赖和耐受性的改变.


资源信息(小册子、宣传册、小册子等.)关于药物滥用造成的健康和安全问题, 以及关于可用性的信息, 和/或转介到, community-based substance abuse counseling and rehabilitation services are available through a variety of university and community-based services including:

联系上面列出的任何资源以获得推荐. 您的匿名性将得到尊重.


This document will be distributed annually to each newbb电子平台 student and reviewed biannually to assess its effectiveness, 实施必要的改革,确保纪律处分得到持续执行.

的 full Biennial Review of the University’s 酒精 and Other Drug Program 2023 is available upon request. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 健康促进339贝克大学中心 740.593.4742.