参与校园活动 & 给Pulse的社区合作伙伴!


给Pulse & newbb电子平台:概述  

Welcome to the first article in a series designed to help campus and 社区 stakeholders in Southeast Ohio and beyond understand and utilize 给Pulse to engage with newbb电子平台 and our communities. The 社区参与中心 will post articles exploring how our students, 工作人员, faculty and 社区 can get the most out of the 给Pulse platform.

给Pulse 101:它是做什么的? 

给Pulse is a social network that helps people and organizations connect, 协调, and track their local 社区 engagement efforts.  

给Pulse is a third-party company with the mission to “enable everyone in the world to participate and become engaged in lifting their 社区 to new heights. We do so by providing a platform for anyone to list, find and organize and measure social impact initiatives in the 社区. 它从一个人开始 构建 一支帮助改善世界的军队."  

为非营利组织和社区组织, the basic subscription is free and offers robust volunteer and donor management capabilities. By “affiliating” your organization's account with newbb电子平台’s account within the network, 任何事件, 机会, 筹款活动, 等. 您发布到您的页面将自动 通过确认 into newbb电子平台’s listing for students, 工作人员, and faculty to find, as well as available to the 公众. 

是给谁的?? 给Pulse is broadly accessible for volunteers in 俄亥俄州's student body, as well as the general 社区 to find and register for events, or leverage 给Pulse to recruit volunteers and manage events that they're organizing.

  • 志愿者——公开大学的学生、教职员工 & 社区成员 

  • 捐助者 

  • 非营利组织 

  • 社区/公民协会 

  • 学生组织 

  • 校园单位  

A screenshot of the 机会 listed in 给Pulse and filter options
俄亥俄州的搜索机会.givepulse.com using filters to match your needs and interests.


  • Find the local events, organizations, and issues that most interest you:  搜索 for organizations or 机会 to get involved at OHIO.givepulse.com! 使用搜索过滤器进行过滤 zipcode原因、事件类型等. 报名参加活动, then use your personal user dashboard to centrally manage and reflect on your experiences. 

  • 跟踪您的影响并验证服务时间: Make sure to ‘Add your Impact’ to reflect on your experiences, 向活动组织者提供反馈, and request verification of your volunteer 小时. 

  • 回顾、反思和分享: Use 给Pulse as your main platform to track reflections, 小时, 捐款, and impact and share your verified service 小时 with your organization(s) all in one location. 


Passion Works Studio的给Pulse主页
Organizations can post events to their own publicly accessible home pages to recruit volunteers from campus & 社区.

For 非营利组织 and Community Organizations, 给Pulse allows


  • Coordinate, manage and share events and 机会 to a wide network: 利用给Pulse as a one-stop shop for volunteer and donor engagement with the 公众 as well as the newbb电子平台 network. Community partners also have the option of submitting one-off events to OU’s page to engage our students as well. 

  • 招募志愿者: Coordinate single day service projects or manage more complex volunteer schedules with shifts or recurring commitments. Communicate with your volunteers and track registrations and outcomes all in one place. 

  • 管理筹款和点对点活动: Promote 筹款活动 and leverage your networks in powerful peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.  

  • 建立你的社区: Grow your user database as your volunteers and donors engage with you via the platform and leverage 给Pulse的 data collection and communications tools to continue to engage with them over time. 


A screenshot of Alpha Phi Omega's 给Pulse homepage
学生组织 can use 给Pulse to register people to events and track participation.

For 学生组织, 给Pulse allows 你: 

  • Coordinate, manage and share events within your group or a wide network: 给Pulse integrates with Bobcat 连接 to enable student organizations to leverage the robust volunteer coordination and participation tracking tools within the system to mobilize your organization and track service 小时. 

  • 寻找并与社区组织合作: 搜索OU网络中的组织 是谁 mission aligns with your organization and get in touch! 给Pulse also allows you to ‘promote’ existing 筹款活动, events and service 机会 posted by nonprofit partners to your members directly to 协调 group activities aligned with the needs of local communities. 

  • 建立你的社区: Promote your events widely across OU’s network to attract new members and partners, and leverage 给Pulse的 data collection and communications tools to continue to engage with them over time. 


为教师 & 员工,给Pulse允许您: 

  • Coordinate and manage Service-Learning Courses and curricular engagement: 给Pulse integrates with 黑板上 (and Canvas) as well as other 俄亥俄州 data systems in a way that allows instructors to mirror their courses inside the platform and utilize 给Pulse的 functionality for coordination and assessment in partnership with external 社区 organizations. 

  • 促进活动, 研讨会, 实习职位, or volunteer 机会 and track and assess outcomes: 给Pulse is a tool newbb电子平台 stakeholders can use to manage a variety of programs that involve opportunity-matching and require further coordination with internal and external partners as well as tracking and assessment. 


想了解更多? 关注这个博客系列,了解更多的技巧和窍门! 而且, The 社区参与中心 can help you navigate the platform for the first 时间, strategize how it could best support the needs of your organization or unit: 安排一个教程