

Ohio voters will determine which Republicans and Democrats will be on the 2024 November general election ballot on the March 19 primary. A race Ohioans may not be as familiar with is the state Supreme Court race of which there will be three races this year. 


俄亥俄 Supreme Court races have implications for the future rights of Ohioans, 根据 《newbb电子》哥伦布快讯 reported that the Ohio Supreme Court “will likely decide how the new abortion rights constitutional amendment should be interpreted.” 


据《newbb电子》报道, 2022 was the first time Ohio Supreme Court races included party labels after a law was passed to make the court partisan. Democratic Justice Jennifer Brunner filed a lawsuit to overturn the law after she lost the vote for Chief Justice to Republican Sharron Kennedy in 2022, 《newbb电子》报道. 


今年,共和党大法官乔·德特斯将挑战民主党大法官梅洛迪·斯图尔特. 共和党富兰克林县普通诉讼法院法官丹·霍金斯, 民主党第八地区上诉法院法官丽莎·福布斯, and Democratic 第十区上诉法院法官特里·贾米森 are all running for the seat currently held by Deters. 最后, 共和党汉密尔顿县普通诉讼法院法官梅根·沙纳汉 is challenging incumbent Democratic 迈克尔·唐纳利法官. 


民主党正在寻求控制俄亥俄州最高法院, 目前由共和党以4比3控制. 该州的最高法院已经由共和党人维持了40年, 据《newbb电子》报道, 民主党需要保住两名现任议员,并在11月赢得一个空缺席位. 自1803年以来,共有163名大法官在俄亥俄州最高法院任职. 在所有的法官中, 只有4位是黑人,13位是女性, 据《newbb电子》报道. 


Here are short profiles on the incumbent and new candidates running to secure seats in the Ohio Supreme Court.  






Republican 乔·德特斯法官 of Cincinnati was appointed to the Ohio Supreme Court in January 2023 by Republican Gov. 在莎伦·肯尼迪大法官被选为首席大法官后,迈克·德温. 在成为法官之前,迪特斯是汉密尔顿县任职时间最长的检察官. WOSU公共媒体, 在2023年的一篇文章中, 报道称,彼得斯“是第一个问题的幕后推手”,该法案在2022年11月的选举中以78%的得票率获得通过. Issue 1 is the state constitutional amendment requiring judges to determine bail amounts based on public safety. 该修正案还剥夺了俄亥俄州最高法院设定保释程序的权力. 


2023年3月, Deters recused himself from a case over Ohio’s six-week abortion law because he was listed as a party in the lawsuit, 据《newbb电子》报道. 2023年2月 辛辛那提寻问者 报道称,在罗伊诉马丁·路德·金案被推翻后,彼得斯告诉该刊物. 瓦德在2022年6月表示,“他将起诉任何违反堕胎禁令的行为.” Deters was labeled a partisan figure in comments made by University of Dayton Law School Professor Thaddeus Hoffmeister to WOSU公共媒体. 




来自克利夫兰的民主党大法官梅洛迪·斯图尔特于2018年当选为俄亥俄州最高法院法官. 根据 梅洛迪法官. 斯图尔特,俄亥俄州最高法院法官, Stewart has over 30 years of legal experience “ranging from civil litigation practice and teaching students at several Ohio law schools to being an appellate court judge and sitting by assignment on the Ohio Supreme Court prior to being elected to the Supreme Court.根据她的竞选网站,斯图尔特致力于社区服务. 


Stewart earned a bachelor’s degree in music from the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati and then went on to receive a law degree from the College of Law at 克利夫兰 State University. 斯图尔特还获得了杰克大学的博士学位, 凯斯西储大学约瑟夫和莫顿newbb电子科学学院. 克利夫兰州立大学授予斯图尔特荣誉法学博士学位. 


根据 克利夫兰.com, Stewart told the publication that she does not appreciate a partisan court and “said she’s never decided a case based on party identity.斯图尔特还告诉克利夫兰.她“并不完全认同任何司法哲学,这意味着她会根据情况运用法律,而不是依赖于严格的程序或法规. 






共和党人丹·霍金斯自2018年以来一直担任现任法官. 根据 克利夫兰.com前俄亥俄州州长. John Kasich appointed Hawkins to a vacant seat on the Franklin County Municipal Court’s 环境al division, 处理住房案件, 环境, 建筑, 健康, 火, 分区, 环境卫生, 虐待动物. 克利夫兰.com also reported that Hawkins “won praise for shutting down hotels that were havens for drug dealing and prostitution” and that the judge’s campaign said Hawkins created one of the first court-based treatment programs for hoarders seen in the nation.  

Hawkins attended Bowling Green State University and received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. 然后他出席了 俄亥俄 他毕业于州立大学莫里茨法学院,并获得法学学位. 


2022年12月, Hawkins wrote a column published in the 哥伦布调度 advocating for Issue 1 regarding bail policy, 同样的宪法修正案也得到了彼得斯的支持. He wrote that the passage of Issue 1: bail reform was necessary to “restore the common-sense notion that judges should consider public safety when setting the amount of bail in a case.” 




Democratic Judge Lisa Forbes of 克利夫兰 ran for her current position in 2020, 根据 哥伦布调度. 在接受《newbb电子平台》采访时, 据《newbb电子》报道,在获得康奈尔大学的学位后, 她搬到了华盛顿特区.C. 福布斯随后进入凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)攻读法律学位. 福布斯告诉《newbb电子》, 作为一个法官, 她希望确保法院保护个人权利,防止政府越权.” 


俄亥俄州民主党支持福布斯而不是贾米森参加初选, 据《newbb电子》报道. However, both Forbes and Jamison are trailing Hawkins in campaign reports and dollars fundraised. 根据 俄亥俄州民主党克利夫兰.com的编辑委员会也支持福布斯参加三月份的选举. 


福布斯在2020年之前一直是Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease律师事务所的诉讼律师和合伙人. 




韦尔奇的民主党法官特里·贾米森, 西维吉尼亚州, 从地下煤矿工人开始她的职业生涯, 但在被解雇后搬到了哥伦布, 根据 哥伦布调度. Jamison then worked for businesses while taking classes at Columbus State Community College and then Franklin University, 获得商业学位, 《newbb电子》报道. 


贾米森在首都大学法学院获得法学学位,并创办了自己的公司. 贾米森自2012年以来一直担任现任职务, 并于2022年竞选俄亥俄州最高法院, 但败给了帕特里克·菲舍尔法官, 据《newbb电子》报道. 贾米森告诉《newbb电子》,“生育权利, the new marijuana law and restricting are all important issues likely to come before the Ohio Supreme Court.她还告诉该出版物,她正在倡导俄亥俄州量刑数据项目, which is a state-wide data project that would allow the public to observe and compare sentences of defendants. 








Republican Judge Megan Shanahan has been in her current position as judge since being appointed in 2015. 她在2016年赢得了随后的选举,获得了一个完整的六年任期. 沙纳汉在2022年以“压倒性优势”再次当选 最高法院的沙纳汉法官


沙纳汉的竞选网站提到她是联邦党人协会的会员, 意义, 作为一名法官, 她“理解司法的正确角色——解释法律, 而不是在法官席上立法.沙纳汉也是保释政策第一号问题的支持者(与霍金斯和彼得斯一样)。. Shanahan’s campaign website also describes her time as a criminal prosecutor where she “worked hard to give child predators and other criminals sentences they deserve.” 


根据 辛辛那提寻问者沙纳汉曾在彼得斯担任汉密尔顿县检察官时为他工作. The 辛辛那提寻问者 also reported that the Ohio Supreme Court once overturned one of Shanahan’s rulings that would have “allowed a Cincinnati police officer to sue under a pseudonym.” 


Shanahan received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Kent State University and a law degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Law. 




来自克利夫兰的民主党俄亥俄州最高法院大法官迈克尔·唐纳利是现任候选人, 他于2019年上任. 在成为法官之前, 唐纳利曾担任凯霍加县普通上诉法院的法官, 一般的部门, 14年来. 


根据唐纳利的竞选网站, 唐纳利代表正义, 他认为,在担任法官期间,他贡献了“独立”, 公正, 洞察力, 还有知识”. 也, 据唐纳利正义组织称, the incumbent “rolled back more than $200 million in surcharges Ohio consumers had been forced to pay First Energy.” He was also a key figure in rejecting General Assembly and Congressional districts in their attempts to gerrymander. 


Donnelly received his first degree from John Carroll University and his law degree from 克利夫兰 State University.