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Appeals, Concerns, and Discrimination

Procedure for Student Appeal Regarding Eligibility

Accessibility Services is charged with the institutional responsibility and knowledge to determine eligibility to register as a student with a disability and for specific accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. In order to expedite the resolution of any question regarding eligibility raised by a student the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Speak with your assigned Accessibility Coordinator to review your eligibility to discuss the specific reasons why you are not eligible and/or additional supporting documentation which may assist in eligibility determination.

  2. Request a review by the Director for Student Accessibility in order to assist with final eligibility determination and/or further explanation of factors leading to ineligibility.

  3. In the event that a student seeks further review of an accommodation denial, a final review can be initiated by contacting the University’s ADA/504 Coordinator.

Procedure for Concerns Regarding Faculty Response to Accommodations

If you have concerns about the way an instructor has responded to your request for accommodation or the manner in which the accommodation is being implemented, it is important that you speak with your assigned Accessibility Coordinator immediately to facilitate a resolution. Your Accessibility Coordinator can work with you, the instructor, and other relevant administrators (i.e. Course Coordinator, Department Chair, Dean) as necessary to help facilitate a resolution. 

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome as resolved by your Accessibility Coordinator, you may follow the same steps of appeal as outlined above (by contacting the Director for Accessibility, and then the ADA/504 Coordinator) for further review and resolution.

Procedure for Reporting Discrimination Concerns

University Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC) ensures that the University maintains an employment and educational environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. Ohio University Policy (03-003) states “in compliance with federal law, no qualified individual with a disability shall be discriminated against or excluded from: consideration for employment; participation in or the benefits of the services, programs or activities of Ohio University.” 

Individuals who believe the University may not be meeting these responsibilities or who believe they have been discriminated against based on their disability may contact: 
Equity and Civil Rights Compliance
Lindley Hall Room 006

or may 
file a complaint online.

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