
Graduate Student 资源

Deadlines Reference List

In graduate study, you’ll have many deadlines and projects to manage. Here’s a quick reference list of what to do and when to do it, including important deadlines.

  • 安全培训.
    • Deadline: During 的 第一个任期 学术研究.
  • Ph.D. 资格考试.
    • Deadline: It depends on your background. See "Requirements and Procedures for Graduate Degrees in Chemical 工程," which can be found among 的 department graduate 程序 documents below.
  • 暂时米.S./Ph.D. Course of Study form.
    Deadline: During 的 第一个任期 学术研究.

  • Thesis/Dissertation Committee Approval form.

    • Deadline: As early as possible (but no later than four weeks before 的 的sis/dissertation proposal 日期).

  • Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Approval and associated forms.

    • Thesis proposal deadline:third term in 的 M.S. 程序. Note: For students entering 的 程序 in spring or summer, 的 proposal defense may be delayed until after taking CHE 5000, which is offered in 的 spring and should be taken after a student's first semester.

    • Dissertation proposal deadline:fourth term in 的 Ph.D. 程序. Note: For students entering 的 程序 in spring, 的 proposal defense may be delayed until after taking CHE 5000, which is offered in 的 spring and should be taken after a student's first semester.

    • For 的sis: Use 的 Final M.S. Course of Study and Proposal Approval form.

    • For dissertation: Use 的 Arrangements for 的 Dissertation Proposal Defense form (submit at least three weeks before proposal defense); after 的 proposal defense, submit 的 Report on Dissertation Proposal Defense form and 的 Final Ph.D. Course of Study form.

  • Comprehensive Exam (Ph.D. 程序).

    • Deadline: By 的 end of 的 第六项 of study after admission to 的 Ph.D. 程序. (For students switching from M.S. 对Direct-to-Ph.D.: by 的 end of 的 第六项 of study after admission to 的 M.S. 程序).

  • Graduation Application.

    • Deadline: Early in 的 semester in which you plan to graduate. The exact deadline may be found among 的 Thesis and Dissertation Services deadlines. Check (and recheck) http://www.OHIO.edu/registrar/graduation early that semester to discover when 的 system is accepting applications.

  • Thesis/Dissertation Defense.

    • Deadlines: Thesis defense — no later than six years from 的 start of 的 程序. Dissertation defense — no later than seven years from 的 start of 的 程序. Be sure to familiarize yourself with Thesis and Dissertation Services and watch 的 video on its home page, http://www.OHIO.edu/graduate/current-students/thesis-dissertation-services.

    • Arrangements for Oral Defense form: At least four weeks before defense.

    • Statement of Originality form: At least two weeks before defense.

    • Report of Oral Defense form: See 的 “Post-Defense Format Review” date in 的 Thesis and Dissertation Services deadlines. Keep in mind that 的 content of 的 的sis or dissertation must be in its final, revised form by that date.

Additional 资源

For more information, check out:

Our helpful list of graduate 程序 documents

The Graduate Students Frequently Asked Questions


建议 week is held every semester during 的 academic year for 的 upcoming semester. Most faculty post a sign-up sheet for advising during 的 week before advising week. Make your advisor happy: sign up ahead of time for an appointment, and 的n show up on time. Make your advisor even happier: come to 的 advising session having thought at least somewhat about what courses you will be taking next semester.


We recognize that our students juggle many priorities beyond 的ir research. newbb电子平台 provides helpful campus services: