
联谊会 & 女学生联谊会检验


newbb电子平台 maintains a relationship with fraternity and sorority chapters. 作为这种关系的一部分, the university allows sophomore students to be exempted from the on-campus housing policy. To maintain this exemption, chapters must comply with certain rules and expectations.


  1. 安排、实施并通过由持证消防检查员进行的年度房屋检查. 分会会长或指定的官员负责与姐妹会办公室联系 & 联谊会 Life directly at (740) 593-4065 or by submitting an email to OUGreekLife@俄亥俄州.edu 关于生命安全检查的安排和所需文件的问题.
    • A licensed fire inspector will inspect all public areas of the chapter house, 睡觉的房间, the kitchen and utility and 存储房间, 还有户外房产.
    • The house director or a designated officer must be present at the time of these inspections. 检查完成后, 希腊住房检查报告的原件将留给房屋主任或指定的官员.
    • The house must obtain a passing life safety inspection by August 1st. 在此日期之前,分会房屋必须符合所有安全标准,否则计划入住该房屋的大二成员将被要求入住批准, on-campus housing for that academic year. 通过生命安全检查的文件应及时提交给姐妹会和兄弟会生活主任, 阿里尔Tarosky, at ariel@俄亥俄州.edu. 越早提交文件,居住者住房豁免就能越早获得批准.
    • If the house does not obtain a passing life safety inspection by August 1st, 也可能有人建议开始将该分会从授权分会名单中删除.
    • 仍然不合规的章节将提交给城市法规执行办公室进行潜在的关闭.
    • Once documentation of a passing life safety inspection has been received and submitted, 姐妹会办公室 & 兄弟会生活将邮寄给分会的顾问和住房公司联系人(如目前列出的),并将所有报告的副本提供给newbb电子平台的安全部门.
    • 姐妹会办公室 & 除了每年的定期检查外,兄弟会生活保留进行不定期检查的权利.
  2. Conduct at least one fire drill within the first two (2) weeks of each semester. A form must be completed and filed with 姐妹会办公室 & 联谊会 Life within two (2) weeks of the date of the fire drill. 姐妹会办公室 & 联谊会 Life will provide copies of these forms to newbb电子平台’s 安全 Department.

The Greek Chapter House fire drill reporting form is available on the 形式的网站 (以“希腊语”过滤).

未在一学期的前两周内进行消防演习,将自动启动将该分会从姐妹会办公室存档的授权分会名单中删除的程序 & 联谊会 Life and the Housing Office.

  1. 从秋季开学的第一天到春季开学的最后一天,是否有一名分会主任住在分会宿舍. A copy of this person's contract must be on file with 姐妹会办公室 & 联谊会 Life, no later than 4 pm on Friday of the 4th week of fall semester.
  2. Maintain safety of chapter house 睡觉的房间. 每个房间都必须有一个可工作的烟雾探测器,并由分会指定的人员对这些卧室进行定期安全检查.

不遵守上述指导方针将导致失去豁免newbb电子平台政策,要求二年级学生住在大学宿舍. 姐妹会办公室 & 如果他们未能达到最低安全标准,兄弟会生活将以书面形式通知分会.


The answer to each question should be "yes."

  • 火灾探测和疏散报警系统是否按照制造商的建议和消防规范要求和测试记录进行了测试?
  • Are the fire suppression (sprinkler) systems maintained and tested each year?
  • Are all building fire extinguishers charged, visually inspected at least monthly and serviced annually?
  • 每层楼及所有危险区域是否有适当标示的灭火器?
  • Are there station protectors over each of the fire alarm pull stations?
  • Are all fire exits properly marked and lighted with exit lights, battery backup or emergency lights illuminating them?
  • Are all hallways and stairways unobstructed and free of storage, 家具, 自动售货机, 自行车, 或者其他材料?
  • Do all stairways and exit doors open outward in the direction of travel?
  • 所有的楼梯和出口门是否完好,可以立即离开大楼?
  • Are all doors to stairways normally kept closed and equipped with automatic closers? 它们是积极地相互吸引吗??
  • 所有的防火门关闭时都能闩上吗?
  • Are stairwell and balcony handrails well maintained, tight, and safe?
  • 每个卧室和起居区域是否安装了认可的单站烟雾探测器, 会议室, 存储房间, 走廊,走廊,楼梯间?
  • Are smoke detectors cleaned at least annually?
  • Are batteries replaced in smoke detectors bi-annually? 当你把时钟换成夏令时时,最容易记住更换电池.
  • Are there at least two exit routes from every area on each floor? In the event of a fire, one could become blocked.
  • 保险丝和开关盒是否保持关闭?
  • Are all circuits identified in the fuse box(es) and circuit breaker panels?
  • 墙上是否有足够的电源插座以防止电路过载和避免使用延长线?
  • Are electrical switches, outlets and fixtures properly covered?
  • 延长线是否仅用于提供临时电源,而不是代替永久接线?
  • Are extension cords kept to a maximum of six feet in length?
  • Are all extension cords used approved by a national testing agency, such as Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual?
  • 多插座电源排是否为计算机等设备提供过流或瞬态电压浪涌保护, 打印机, 传真机, 电器, 以及分析仪器?
  • 特殊的重型延长线是否用于高瓦数的电器,如空调, 便携式电加热器, 和冰柜?
  • 电线是否安全? They should not be nailed or stapled down, have knots, or be run under rugs.
  • 锅炉房(主要建筑供暖系统所在的地方)是否清洁且无可燃物储存?
  • 建筑供暖系统是否由合格的服务公司定期检查和维护,并保存书面记录?
  • Are walls and ceilings in the boiler room fire resistant?
  • Is the boiler room equipped with a self-closing fire rated door?
  • Is the boiler room completely enclosed?
  • Is the boiler room free of debris and trash build-up?
  • Is a portable CO2 or dry chemical fire extinguisher available in the boiler room?
  • Is there an enforced house policy which prohibits space heaters are not allowed?
  • 所有超过一品脱的汽油或易燃液体是否储存在建筑物外或锁在钢柜中?
  • Are all combustible paints, solvents, and oily rags stored in metal locker or containers?
  • Is electric blanket use controlled to provide for shut off during the day?
  • Are all bathroom electrical plates made of Bakelite or other non-metallic materials?
  • Are kitchen stoves, grill ovens, grease overflow, hood ducts, fans, and filters clean?
  • Is there an automatic extinguishing system on the hood? 每年检查两次吗?
  • Is a portable fire extinguisher available in the kitchen that is appropriate for the hazard? CO2 extinguishers cannot be used on deep fat fryers because the fire will re-ignite. 如果通风罩内有湿式化学灭火系统,则不能使用ABC型灭火器. These chemicals reduce the effectiveness of each other, allowing fires to re-ignite.
  • Are all bunk beds spaced to allow for at least 22" clear exit between bunk beds?
  • 是否有强制规定禁止在天花板上悬挂织物和其他易燃物品?
  • Is there an enforced house policy prohibiting the use of candles or other open flames, except for normally recognized religious services?
  • 是否有强制性的房屋政策要求将可燃材料放置在安全距离之外,或将其与热源(如散热器或灯泡)隔离?
  • 如果房子里有能用的壁炉, is the fireplace and chimney inspected annually by a qualified individual?
  • 如果房子里有能用的壁炉, is there a tight-fitting protective screen placed across the hearth opening?
  • Are all campus holiday decoration policies routinely and consistently enforced?
  • 每个会议室和集会区是否清楚地张贴了占用标准(允许占用给定空间的最大人数)?
  • 当你的兄弟会或姐妹会举办聚会时,是否有“指定住客”.e., 兄弟会或姐妹会成员)负责保持清醒并注意与安全有关的危险或问题?
  • If smoking of tobacco products is allowed in your fraternity or sorority house, 有足够的深度吗, 备有大烟灰缸?
  • After a gathering in your fraternity or sorority house, 是否有专人负责检查家具坐垫下面和周围是否有冒烟的烟头?