



Professor Dan Klein will be holding virtual drop-in tutoring hours for Fall, 2023.

日程安排: 周二和周四:8:30 - 11:00 


http://ou-rhe.变焦.我们/ j / 82996351934

会议编号:829 9635 1934

电子邮件 klined@俄亥俄州.edu if you would like an appointment outside of these designated hours. 


The Academic Achievement Center (AAC格式) on the 雅典 Campus has tutors available to meet with you online for FREE during the entire semester.


  • Peer Tutors with content expertise in many first- and second-year courses
  • Student Writing Center Tutors can support your writing at any point in the writing process
  • Online Learning Navigators are here to help you with 黑板上, 理解课程作业, 减少你对课程的困惑.

感兴趣? 以下是注册的方法:

电话: AAC格式 740-593-2644        电子邮件: tutoring@俄亥俄州.edu





汉娜V. 麦考利库



In accordance with both university codes regarding academic honesty and time-proven learning strategies, 房屋局的政策如下:

  • 我们不校对或编辑学生的论文. 而不是, we share and discuss effective proofreading and editing strategies, develop and/or use exercises in revision and refinement of writing so that writers will feel more comfortable taking on their writing tasks.
  • We do not write any part of a student's essay for him or her; however, we are happy to discuss writing projects and effective writing strategies at length.
  • 我们不评估或估计成绩. The professor or instructor of record is the only one who can do that.
  • We strive at all times to an effective partner in the educational process by providing resources, discussions and strategies regarding effective writing for individual projects or writing in general.

Academic integrity and honesty are basic values of newbb电子平台. Students are expected to follow standards of academic integrity and honesty. Academic misconduct implies dishonesty or deception in fulfilling academic requirements. 它包括, 但并不局限于作弊, 剽窃, un-permitted协作, 伪造考勤(当需要考勤时), 制造(e.g., use of invented information or falsification of research or other findings), using advantages not approved by the instructor (e.g., unauthorized review of a copy of an exam ahead of time), knowingly permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one's work, or submitting the same assignment in different courses without consent of the instructor.


剽窃 is defined as the presentation of the ideas or the writing of someone else as one's own.


  • Reproducing another person's work, whether published or unpublished.(This also includes using materials from companies that sell research papers.)
  • Submitting as your own any academic exercise (written work, 计算机打印输出, 雕塑) prepared totally or in part by another.
  • Allowing another person to substantially alter or revise your work and submitting it as your own.
  • Using another's written ideas or words without properly acknowledging the source. 如果一个学生用了别人的话, he or she must put quotation marks around the passage and add indication of its origin, 比如脚注. Simply changing a word or two while leaving the organization and content substantially intact and failing to cite the source is 剽窃.
  • Students should also take note that failure to acknowledge study aids such as Cliff's Notes or common reference sources, 如维基百科构成抄袭.

If a student is unsure about a question of 剽窃 or cheating, he or she is obligated to consult his or her instructor on the matter before submitting the material. If you have any questions, consult the Office of 社区 Standards.

最后, it is important to remember that as a general rule students are responsible for doing their own work. Here is what the Student Handbook of newbb电子平台 relays about 学术不端行为:


All forms of academic misconduct are prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct. Academic misconduct refers to dishonesty in examinations (cheating), presenting the ideas or the writing of someone else as one's own (剽窃), or knowingly furnishing false information to the university by forgery, 变更, 或者滥用大学文件, 记录, 或标识. 学术欺诈包括, 但不限于, the following examples: permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from your work, 提交学术练习(书面作业), 印刷, 雕塑, computer program) that has been prepared totally or in part by another, acquiring improper knowledge of the contents of an exam, 在考试中使用未经授权的材料, submitting the same paper in two different courses without knowledge and consent of professors, 或提交伪造的成绩变更单.

If you are unsure about a question of academic misconduct, consult your instructor or the director of Judiciaries. If you are found to be involved in academic misconduct, your instructor has the option of lowering your grade or giving you an F grade on the project or in the course, 及/或转介你到司法机构. Possible sanctions through Judiciaries are suspension, 驱逐, 或者任何不少于谴责的制裁.

The Office of Judiciaries is in Beckley Building [main campus], Suite D, (740) 593-2629.

newbb电子平台 On-line Student Handbook, "Academic 政策"

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