
电子邮件保留、备份指引 & 存档

电子邮件保留、备份指引 & 存档 

Electronic mail (e-mail) messages are not a record series or category as those terms are used in 大学政策93.002,“记录管理和存档”.”而不是, e-mail is a means of transmission of messages or information, 类似于字母, 电话留言, 和传真. E-mail messages that meet the Ohio Revised Code definition of a "record" should be retained in accordance with newbb电子平台 政策 on Records Retention or according to the general or department records retention schedules that apply to non-electronic records of similar subject 和 content. This is the case regardless of whether the e-mail message is sent from or received at a university or a personal e-mail account. 

俄亥俄州修订法典将“记录”定义为“任何文件”, 设备, 或物品, 不考虑物质形式或特征的, 包括电子纪录 . . ., created or received by or coming under the jurisdiction of any public office of the state or its political subdivisions, 哪个用来记录组织, 功能, 政策, 决定, 程序, 操作, 或办公室的其他活动." 

Some types of e-mail messages do not typically meet the definition of a record. Examples include personal correspondence 和 messages received from interest-group listservs. E-mail messages not meeting the definition of a record may be deleted at any time. 

Many e-mail messages, while meeting the definition of a record, qualify as a transitory record. 临时记录不能制定政策, 建立指导方针或程序, 证明交易或成为收据. 临时记录的例子包括电话留言, 草稿, 在电子邮件的例子中, 安排会议的电子邮件. E-mail messages qualifying as transitory records may be deleted as soon as they are no longer of administrative value. 

All other e-mails messages that document the organization, 功能, 政策, 决定, 程序, 操作, 或办公室的其他活动, 如上所述, should be retained in accordance with the general or department records retention schedules that apply to non-electronic records of similar subject 和 content. 

负责管理电子邮件信息, including determining which e-mail messages constitute important university records 和 which do not, 必须由帐号使用者负责吗. The University Archivist 和 Records Manager will provide advice 和 support on how to make these 决定, but it is the department 和 its employees that will be held responsible in the event of a record being inappropriately retained or prematurely destroyed. 

负责管理电子邮件信息 includes prompt deletion of e-mail messages not meeting the definition of a record 和 deletion of transitory e-mail messages at the earliest appropriate time. All other e-mail messages should be filed in a way that both enhances their accessibility 和 facilitates records management tasks. One filing option is to simply print a hard copy of an e-mail message 和 include it with other similar paper records. 大多数电子邮件信息可以用电子方式归档. While the university's 资讯科技署 can assist with developing electronic filing solutions, the department 和 its employees bear the responsibility for appropriate management of e-mail message records retention. 

当员工离开大学时, e-mail accounts remain active for one month after the termination date before being deleted. 在工作人员离开单位之前, a supervisor should confer with the account owner to determine what e-mail must be retained, 单位内由谁保管, 和 to ensure that the e-mail is transferred to the proper recipient(s) for appropriate retention. 如果此人还管理一个电子邮件服务帐户, arrangements should be made to transfer control of the account to another person within the unit. If there are questions about what records should be retained 和 what may be deleted, please contact the University Archivist 和 Records Manager. If there are other questions concerning the management of e-mail accounts or other electronic resources, 请与信息技术办公室联系. 

E-mail stored on official University systems will generally be preserved for no longer than 30 days after deletion by the e-mail user. 与电子邮件消息关联的日志文件, 它们提供了实际电子邮件交易的记录, 但不包括电子邮件内容, 一般保存不超过90天. 

E-mail users storing messages on newbb电子平台 servers often have the capacity to "archive" e-mails to files. This effectively allows users to save any e-mail messages for any length of time. The retention 和 disposal guidelines of the prior paragraph do not apply to e-mail archives 和 backups done by individuals. 

Users may at their discretion configure their official newbb电子平台 e-mail accounts to forward all e-mail to an external e-mail address. Forwarding to an external address prevents messages from being stored at newbb电子平台, but a record of the forwarding transaction is stored on University E-mail facilities in system logs. Forwarding of email is planned to be the subject a future policy 和 procedure. 

E-mail correspondence 和 associated documents sent as attachments may be considered official University records, 和, 像这样, may need to be retained longer than the established policy guidelines for e-mail retention 和 disposal. It is the responsibility of the sender 和 recipient of these e-mail messages to determine the required retention period, to comply with applicable University 政策 和 程序, 和 to preserve these e-mail records either electronically or in printed form with all associated header 和 transmission information. 

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