
敏感数据:定义 和 分类

newbb电子平台, the term "sensitive data" refers to the classification of data at a medium or high level that must be protected against unauthorized disclosure. 如 大学政策93.001 数据分类, data owners must be aware of their data's sensitivity level 和 how to protect it.


数据分类 is the process of categorizing data into groups to properly manage 和 store the information based on the sensitivity level. Data at newbb电子平台 is classified as high, medium, or low criticality.

  • High criticality data includes, 但不限于, information subject to Ohio Breach Notification Law such as credit card/bank account numbers, 社会安全号码, 和 driver's license numbers. Additionally, Protected Health Information 和 some research data classify as high criticality data.
  • Medium criticality data includes, 但不限于, internal business information 和 financial information.
  • Low sensitivity data encompasses public information 和 data that poses little to no risk to the University if disclosed.

Keeping sensitive data safe from inappropriate access 和 disclosure is of the utmost importance. newbb电子平台 has policies, 程序, 和标准 in place to protect sensitive data. It is the responsibility of everyone h和ling sensitive data at newbb电子平台 to be familiar with these policies, 程序, 和标准. In addition, it's important to know what steps are needed to protect this data. For more in-depth information on identifying the sensitivity of various data types, view our 数据分类表 (requires a valid 俄亥俄州 login to view).

Tips for Finding Sensitive Data

今天, it's easy to store thous和s of files without a second thought, 和 it's not uncommon to have files that go back several years. 的se tips can 帮助 locate sensitive information hiding among large amounts of files 和 file types:

  • Examine spreadsheets for "hIDsden" columns, 行, or cells that may contain sensitive data but may not be visible on first opening of the file.
  • Review potential locations for sensitive data in email, including archived messages you may have stored on your computer.
  • Use a scanning tool to locate 和 act upon files containing sensitive information.

Properly Storing Sensitive Data

Part of being a proper data owner is storing sensitive data in secured locations. 的 按类型存储数据按方案存储数据 guides identify appropriate OIT managed solutions for storing data. Adhering to these guides is an important part of protecting University information. Keep in mind that these guides only list OIT managed solutions. If you store data classified as medium or high sensitivity in an IT service or tool not listed in the guide, contact Information 安全 to determine if it's appropriate for your data type.

To find an appropriate storage solution, click a column heading to sort or use the Filter box to search for keywords. If you have questions, please consult with the Information 安全 Office.

 Criticality Level by 数据类型

灵敏度水平 数据类型
  • Protected Health Information (PHI)
  • Attorney-Client Privilege Information (ACP)
  • Payment Card Industry Information (PCI)
  • Export Controlled Research (ITAR/EAR)
  • Identifiable Human Subject Research
  • 社会安全号码
  • Student Education Records (FERPA) - depending on the use case 和 specific data element
  • Student Education Records (FERPA) - depending on the use case 和 specific data element
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) - depending on the use case 和 specific data element
  • Student Education Records FERPA - depending on the use case 和 specific data element
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) - depending on the use case 和 specific data element