Military student smiles
Online Programs for Military-Affiliated Students


We value your service and experience.

When we say we wouldn’t be here without our vets, we mean it literally: It was a group of Revolutionary War veterans who together purchased the land where our main campus now exists; in 1804, newbb电子平台被特许为西北地区的第一所大学. 

As OHIO’s first and finest university, 从那以后,我们一直在帮助军人实现他们的目标——从内战老兵开始, to those serving around the globe today. 在经验丰富的专业顾问的支持下,包括军队的各个部门, we’ll help you meet your goals faster.

We’re the statewide leader in online higher education. 我们广泛的以职业为重点的在线课程将帮助您最大限度地提高您的收益, save time, and save money on the path to whatever's next, through special military scholarships, 可以无限转换学分*来申请学士学位, 从第一天到毕业,都为军队学生提供专门的支持.

Student Veteran and Military Incentive Scholarship

Current active duty, guardsmen, reservists, and veterans of the United States Armed Forces, including the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, 空军和海岸警卫队有资格获得10%的在线本科课程奖学金, and a 15% scholarship for the eligible online programs.

Scholarship Details


Supporting Veterans' Education

newbb电子平台自豪地为退伍军人和有兴趣继续接受教育的军人提供服务. 我们理解提供符合您独特情况的无障碍教育选择的重要性.


With a diverse array of online degree programs, 你可以追求你的学术目标,同时适应你的军事职责和个人承诺. Our dedicated Veterans and Military Student Services Center, led by Terry St. Peter, offers a wide range of resources, including personalized academic support, career guidance, and financial aid opportunities. 加入我们蓬勃发展的退伍军人和军事附属学生社区,在newbb电子平台释放你的潜力.


Veterans and Military Student Services Center

application fees, with military fee waiver code
per credit hour for most online undergrad courses
college in Ohio for Online Education

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Flexibility—Even During Deployment

As a longtime military supporter, 俄亥俄州的在线课程旨在满足我们的服务人员的需求. 访问您的课程在线24/7,所以你可以学习你的时间表,无论是在家里还是部署. 我们的专业咨询团队和关怀教师将直接与您合作,为您提供成功所需的灵活性和支持.


Our staff is here for you, 随时准备为您和您的家庭成员有效地促进和协调项目和服务. 我们将帮助你顺利和成功地过渡到newbb电子平台社区, and support you through your academic career.

Veterans and Military Student Services Center

Military Benefits & Scholarships

值得信赖的大学:受人尊敬的公立大学, student success is our primary mission. It guides who we are, and who we partner with. In addition to accepting Tuition Assistance (TA), Post-9/11 GI Bill® and Montgomery GI Bill** benefits, 我们很自豪地为军人学生提供奖学金(无论是为他们自己还是作为家属),并参加黄丝带计划. 

Getting Started

以军人学生、配偶或退伍军人的身份进入newbb电子平台很容易. 你将与一个了解你的军事背景和需求的团队一起工作. Here's how you can get started:

Step 1: Review military benefit eligibility

  • If you are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces:
    • 联系你的军事部门的教育办公室,了解你有什么好处.
    • 与你的教育官员合作,为申请学费援助授权和任何其他潜在的福利做好准备, such as the GI Bill®.
    • 在入学前获得教育服务官员(ESO)或军事服务顾问的批准.
  • If you are a veteran:
    • 如果你有资格获得退伍军人管理局的教育福利,但还没有申请, 你需要通过兽医填写一份福利申请.gov. 申请完成后,请保留确认页面的截图.
    • 如果你以前在其他机构使用过退伍军人事务部的教育福利, 您需要填写一份更改课程或地点的请求,以便更新您当前的教育福利. 完成后请保留确认页面的截图.

Step 2: Review Costs and Apply

Step 3: Submit paperwork documenting your prior education.

  • 将您完成高中文凭或GED的文件发送到本科招生处. (如果你是从大专院校的军事或民用机构转学分, your advisor will also need your transcripts.)
  • 如果你打算转换从空军社区学院(CCAF)或以前就读的民用学院或大学(U.S. only), complete a transcript request form.
  • 对于那些可能不会出现在官方军事成绩单或联合服务成绩单(JST)上的国防部学校,可以进行特殊评估。.
  • 100%接受美国教育委员会(ACE)的课程.

    Associate Degree Programs



    Bachelor's Degree Programs


Take the first step

填写下面的表格,以获得有关我们本科在线课程的更多信息. Looking for online graduate programs? Visit our graduate programs page


newbb电子平台的学术课程没有得到任何美国教育服务部门的认可.S. Armed Forces.


**GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website.

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