







Joseph Trubacz | Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration, CFO and Treasurer of the BOT 



  1. 概述

    Ohio ethics law and the related statutes found in the Revised Code generally prohibit public officials and employees from misusing their official positions for their own personal benefit or the benefit of their 家庭成员. The purpose of this policy is to ensure 招聘 and supervision by and within the university is conducted in compliance with the Ohio ethics laws and in a manner that enhances public confidence in the university, 防止出现偏袒的情况, 优惠待遇, 不当影响, 利益冲突.

    家庭关系, 婚姻, 或者家庭伴侣关系也不妨碍雇佣, 促销活动, 或转让, 只要个人符合并履行适当的任命标准. This policy provides guidance regarding the initial employment of 家庭成员 and influencing employment of, 或者雇佣决定, 家庭成员. This policy also applies to situations where there is a change in family status for employees after employment. 例如, the 婚姻 of a supervisor to a supervisee would be a change in status that would cause the parties to be subject to this policy.

  2. 定义

    "University employee" means any person who is appointed to or is an employee of Ohio university, 无论员工职位的资金来源如何. 大学雇员适用于newbb电子平台的所有形式的就业, 包括定期和定期, 行政部门的全职和兼职任命, 分类, 研究, 议价单位的位置, 合同超载, 毕业生的任命, and to graduate and undergraduate student employment (including employment under the program to aid career exploration, “速度,“还有联邦工作研究, “美国鱼类和野生动物管理局,”项目), 还有礼貌的约会.

    “家庭成员,,仅供本政策之用, 包括但不限于:配偶, 国内合作伙伴, 儿童(生物, 一步, 采用, 或促进), 合法的病房, 兄弟姐妹, 父母, 爷爷奶奶, 孙子, 叔叔, 阿姨, 岳父, 婆婆, 姐夫, 嫂子, 儿媳, 女婿, 以及其他有血缘关系的人, 采用, 或者婚姻.

    “监督”是指直接影响的能力, 或者是有效推荐的权力, 招聘, 更新, 评价, 职责分配, 薪酬及福利之设定或调整, 转移, 悬架, 裁员, 回忆, 促销活动, 放电, 奖励, 纪律, or settlement of the disciplinary grievances or appeals of another university employee.

  3. 聘用家庭成员

    所有大学员工禁止推荐, 提名, 授权, or using the authority or influence of their position to secure the authorization of employment, 对于一个家庭成员.

  4. 家庭成员的监督

    No university employee shall supervise any family member or participate (formally or informally) in any decision, 或者利用他们的地位来确保任何决定, 这影响了延续, 实现, 或者家庭成员的雇佣条款和条件, 也不要直接批准家庭成员的时间表或工资单.

  5. 允许的和替代的安排

    1. 允许的情况下

      Nothing in this policy prohibits two 家庭成员 from being hired and working for the university, 即使是在同一个部门, 前提是各方均遵守本政策的条款. 本政策允许以下情况:

      1. A family member is not prohibited from obtaining employment within the same department as a result of hiring, 碰撞, 位移, 回忆, 促销活动, 任命, 或者其他非自由裁量的人事行为. Employment within the same department may also occur when a marital or other significant relationship develops subsequent to the employee's employment with the department. The 家庭成员 are not prohibited from continuing to work for the university or specific department.

      2. A supervisory employee is not prohibited from working in the same department as a family member, provided the supervisory employee does not participate in 招聘 of the employee and alternative arrangements have been made ensuring the avoidance of a direct line of supervision.

      3. A university employee is not prohibited from approving a union contract when their family member is a member of the union, 除非亲属是工会官员, 董事会成员, 或者是工会谈判小组的成员.

      4. A university employee is not prohibited from participating in general decisions that impact classes of employees, 其中一个是家庭成员.g., unit- or university-wide decisions regarding salary increases, 裁员s, changes in benefits, etc.).

      5. A university employee is not prohibited from participating in a general budgetary appropriation that includes money to fund a family member's compensation and benefits, or from participating in budgetary appropriations to a department that employs a family member.

    2. 备用安排

      非上述家庭成员的大学雇员, 但他们有着亲密的私人关系, may be requested to use the provisions of this subsection in order to avoid any appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest.

      The provisions of this subsection shall be followed whenever a subordinate supervisor would supervise the family member of their supervisor.

      1. University employees must notify their supervisor if any family member applies for a position for which they will be responsible or may influence the employment actions as detailed in this policy. Family members must delegate authority to other parties or recuse themselves from hiring-related decisions regarding their 家庭成员.

      2. 内部申请者必须自我披露, 在申请时, if the position for which they are applying reports to or supervises a family member.

      3. In instances where 家庭成员 are working and supervising within the same department, alternative arrangements must be taken to eliminate the appearance of impropriety 利益冲突. Alternative arrangements shall include removing the responsibility or influence to hire, 取消了直接监督家庭成员的机会和义务. 这包括雇佣后的关系. 可供选择的安排应在“工作地点替代安排协议第(E)(2)(d)及(E)(3)段详述.

      4. 用人单位必须提交“工作地点替代安排协议" for review to 大学人力资源, 教务长办公室, 以及部门主管. 大学人力资源, 教务长办公室, 部门负责人可以更改或修改“工作地点替代安排协议用人单位提交. “工作地点替代安排协议"必须保存在所有受影响员工的人事档案中.

    3. 评审过程

      受“工作地点替代安排协议" may seek review of the terms and conditions of the agreement from the planning unit head. 上述员工应当向规划单位负责人提出书面请求, 再抄送一份给学校人力资源部. The planning unit head shall review all information submitted and render a final and binding decision regarding the "工作地点替代安排协议.“最终决定权在员工手中, 大学人力资源, 教务长办公室, 以及部门主管. 更新后的“工作地点替代安排协议应存档于所有受影响员工的人事档案中, 用符号表示它取代任何先前的版本.

    4. 公共记录

      所有版本的“工作地点替代安排协议" filed in the personnel files are subject to release under the provisions of policy 40.007.

  6. 任命

    任命家庭成员担任某一职务, 以及正在进行的雇佣决定, 应按照所有适用的政策和指导方针进行, 集体谈判协议, 包括以下内容:

    1. 政策 20.110

    2. 政策 40.057

    3. 政策 40.106

    4. "教师手册,“第II-R节, "教学环境中双方同意的家庭关系政策,和第II-S节, “自愿和家庭关系."

  7. 范围

    This policy supersedes any and all policies and guidelines regarding matters of nepotism, except that this policy applies to faculty 任命s only to the extent that no contrary provision is included in the "教师手册."

  8. 违反

    Any employee who believes this policy has been violated should contact 大学人力资源 at (740) 593-1636, 公平和公民权利办公室的合规, 办公室要求机会均等和无障碍, 或者是大学的监察办公室.



  1. 行政工作人员

  2. 院长、主席和董事

  3. 教师参议院

  4. 行政参议院

  5. 研究生院