
M.A. 课程:商业摄影课程

Students who are interested in advertising photography, 产品和静物摄影, 时尚与人像摄影, architectural and interior design photography, and the 业务 aspects of operating a photographic studio are suited for the 商业摄影 track in our Master of Arts (MA6930) 程序.

Alumni of the commercial photography 程序 go on to become studio owners, 杂志图片编辑, digital retouchers and photographers within the advertising industry. They have had successful careers in the industry in a variety of capacities and have worked at a variety of places, including BurkleHagen Photography (Cleveland), 马特·里斯照片(哥伦布), 多功能工作室(纽约), Power Creative(路易斯维尔, Ky.), Richard Reinsdorf Photography (Los Angeles, Calif.), Sarah Silver (New York City), Sarah Kehoe Photography, (New York City), Wayfair.com (Cincinnati), Liz Von Hoene Photography (Atlanta, Ga.), Amazon (Kentucky), Marie Claire Magazine (New York City) • Outsider Magazine (Santa Fe, N.M.), and the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops (Santa Fe, N.M.).

This sequence takes three semesters to complete, and many students opt to continue a fourth to expand coursework and/or work on their 硕士项目.

问题? Please contact 研究生 Director Stan Alost, alost@俄亥俄州.edu.

Learn more about applying to VisCom's M.A. 程序


Students in commercial photography create images that focus on advertising, 静物, 体系结构, 时尚, 还有人像摄影, 都有一颗讲故事的心. 查看更多学生作业.




Three of our four tracks are three-semester 程序s, with most students opting to stay a fourth for additional courses, 研究, 硕士项目答辩. M.A. 至少需要 30 credits of graduate coursework, plus a Master’s project (taking an additional 5 credit hours, including 1 hour for the defense).

课程要求 所有VisCom研究生:

  • VICO 5022,研究生研讨会
  • VICO 5014,信息设计基础
  • VICO 5400, Illustration I: Digital Imaging
  • 硕士专题(5-15学时)

Students take 20-24 hours in their field of study. For the 商业摄影 track, this includes:

  • VICO 5227, Fashion Photography / Portraiture
  • VICO 5228, Still Life / Architecture Photography
  • VICO 5435,图片编辑
  • VICO 6432,商业实践
  • VICO 6227,商务工作室


  • VICO 5200, Video Capture for 商业摄影
  • VICO 6401, 多媒体 Production for 视觉传达
  • VICO 6229,插图newbb电子

想要的选修课 both within VisCom and across the university are also available. In the three to four semesters, about 50 percent of the coursework is elective. Commercial students often take courses in social media, 业务, 动画, 小型系统照明, 设计和其他感兴趣的领域.

必要的进度审查 is held toward the end of the first semester, 或完成15个学分, to assess the student’s suitability for continued study.

实习 are encouraged for all graduate students, unless significant professional experience within your selected area has been gained prior to entering the 程序. This internship or practical education is not taken for credit towards your degree.

Download the curriculum for the VisCom Master of Arts 程序

View the catalog descriptions of all VICO graduate courses


商业摄影 equipment requirements

商业摄影 students are required to have a minimum of the following equipment by the start of their first semester in the Master of Arts 程序:

  • 专业级单反相机
  • 两个f/2镜头.8 or faster aperture: one 28mm or wider focal length, and one with a 135mm
  • to 200mm focal length (zoom 镜头 are also acceptable if fixed aperture)
  • 专用电子闪光灯
  • 专业的三脚架
  • Download the 商业摄影 Equipment list


VisCom also has an Equipment Checkout Room with the support of Nikon, 佳能, Mamiya Corporation of America and Sony. Students can check out DSLR and mirrorless cameras, 镜头, 照明装置, 音视频设备, 三脚架和其他稳定工具.

A form will be emailed to students every year to gain access to the equipment room. 这个机会是有的 只有 to VisCom students and those taking VisCom classes. 问题 can be directed to Josh Birnbaum at birnbaum@俄亥俄州.edu or (740)-597-1778.


The 视觉传达学院 uses Apple computers and predominantly the Adobe Creative Suite. We are pleased to provide computer labs with Apple computers, the Adobe Creative Suite and other software needed for classes. These labs also have open hours in the evenings, 校园里的其他实验室也是如此, and have color printers and photo printers students can use with purchase of a print card. 研究生 students have 24-hour access to the VisCom 研究生 Lab which includes printers and desktop computers.


在Schoonover大楼里, VisCom also has two photographic studios available, including state of the art lighting equipment, dressing rooms and a cyclorama (“cyc”) wall. There is also a kitchen studio on campus at Jefferson Market available by reservation.

The 视觉传达学院 Gallery

On the first floor of Schoonover, the 视觉传达学院 runs a gallery. Rotating regularly between student and alumni shows, 学生不仅可以展示他们的作品, but gain experience participating in the exhibitions.