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Undergraduate Interdisciplinary B.F.A. 学位

Interdisciplinary Arts: A Unique 学位 Path

A uniquely collaborative, multi-focus degree program, made possible through a joint effort across five schools in the College of 美术.

The Interdisciplinary Arts B.F.A. is distinguished by its collaborative mission and curriculum. Students in the program will work with 顾问s in 2 or more schools, which will provide not only substantial areas of concentration but, 结合时, 唯一的度路径. 

A program 顾问 within the School of Interdisciplinary Arts will coordinate and approve appropriate curricular plans for each student pursuing the degree.


Looking for opportunities to collaborate with disciplines across the College of 美术?

  • 音乐ians composing for film
  • Visual artists incorporating theater techniques in performance
  • 跳舞rs collaborating with musicians

Students with diverse artistic backgrounds who have the vision to create their own path with the guidance of the faculty in a collaborative environment will find a supportive community of artist scholars to help develop the intellectual skills requiring multiple disciplines, the of use of creative imagination, and combining different perspectives in the examination of a specific topic. 

Total credit hours: 120

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Interdisciplinary Minor

Interdisciplinary Arts offers undergraduate courses to obtain a minor in Interdisciplinary Arts, as well as to complete Tier II, 第三层, or elective requirements.

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Interdisciplinarity Expands Boundaries...

Interdisciplinarity expands the boundaries of conventional knowledge exponentially, and thus should be considered at the forefront of academic inquiry.  —  Charles Buchanan, PhD


Dr. 加勒特领域
B.F.A. 顾问