数字艺术+科技 students set up a live display with projectors, light.


If early humans used the tools at hand to express their creativity, imagine the possibilities as 艺术 and technology collide in the 21st century. 从超级计算机到人工智能, 数字艺术+科技 students at newbb电子平台 have new tools to create with.

你将从分享我们的开始 基础项目 和其他博鳌亚洲论坛艺术工作室的一年级学生一起. Then pursue a Concentration in 数字艺术+科技 and expand your palette to include digital fabrication with laser and CNC(计算机数控)蚀刻和雕刻; 3D printing and construction; our customized AI software at the Ohio Supercomputer Center, 和更多的.

The projects you exhibit on the path to your senior thesis might include digital sequencing, 视觉呈现, 多维构造, 现场活动体验, 仅举几个例子.


  • 传入的学生


    学生可以从B开始.F.A. 工作室艺术专业,或者从B开始.A. 工作室美术专业再申请进入B级.F.A. 以后再拿学位. There are no requirements beyond university admission requirements to become a Studio Art major.

  • 俄亥俄州在读学生


    Currently enrolled students can declare BFA degree areas and degree concentration areas in the 艺术与设计学院 in the fall and spring semesters during open application periods. 你需要提交一份申请和作品集.


体验式学习对我们的方法至关重要. Our students have the passion to experiment and create without any limits. 我们要求学生玩得开心,对艺术体验持开放态度. 


在共享第一年之后 基础项目 经验, 数据学生学习技术, 技术, and tools to create digital fine 艺术work in a contemporary context. Students p艺术icipate in critique and critical analysis of digital 艺术work with the goal of generating a personal, individualized approach to making digital 艺术works and physical fabrications.

Third- and fourth-year students utilize advanced technology and practices of 创造性的编码 digital fabrication for 艺术ists such as laser and CNC etching, 雕刻, and cutting; 3D printing and constructing, 高端计算机处理可视化编码和编程. 示例项目可能包括数字测序, 数字呈现, 多维构造, 现场活动体验, 仅举几个例子.

These amazing creations will be presented in the students’ senior year in a public thesis exhibition as the capstone event in achieving the degree.

 全科课程 & 学位要求


  • ART 2110数字艺术+技术
  • ART 3110数字艺术+技术
  • ART 2120艺术家创意编码1
  • ART 3120创意编码
  • ART 4000评论社区


  • ART 1200 -描述+绘图
  • ART 1210 -功能+实践
  • ART 1220 -图像+设计
  • ART 1230 -结构+空间
  • ART 1240 - Visual Art in Practice and Theory: Critical Perspectives


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newbb电子平台学生Jordan Frasure的作品

作者:Jordan fraure

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  • 学费 & 费用

    U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 将newbb电子平台列为 俄亥俄州最具价值的公立大学 全国排名第30位. We're continuously striving to make college more affordable and accessible, while maintaining the high quality and value of an 俄亥俄州 education.

  • 金融援助 & 奖学金

    Our Office of Student 金融援助 and 奖学金 provides services to students and parents both in-person and remotely. You can visit our office on the ground floor of Chubb Hall or reach us at 金融.aid@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.593.4141

潜在的职业 & Post-Grad机会

We focus on preparing students for careers in three different ways: help them expand and explore concepts of 艺术 and their applications, train them on different digital media and how it can be presented in physical spaces, and teach them how to build their own unique 艺术 studio practice that they can use as professionals either in 艺术 or career-based practices.


A Bachelor of 美术 prepares you to work as a studio 艺术ist or in a museum, 作为一个企业家或画廊. Adding 数字艺术+科技 to your resume opens even more doors, 包括现场活动, 虚拟场馆, 社区项目, 角色设计, 动画, 游戏设计, 艺术教育, 以及装置艺术.                                                                                        



Your creativity journey is just getting st艺术ed when you graduate from 俄亥俄州, and many students decide to continue on to an MFA or graduate degree specializing in digital 艺术, 电脑上的艺术, 创造性的编码, 或者多媒体设计.



摄影艺术硕士 & 综合媒体

绘画艺术硕士 & 画




    数字艺术+技术学生帮助博士. 巴兹尔·马斯里·扎达 with his Tell Your Epic Story project at various locations. 参与者设计自己的角色和故事, and drawings are created using copper tape to enable sound 技术 to be a p艺术 of the pieces.

    Masri Zada's research and 艺术istic practice focus on the practices of everyday life, 艺术, and political activism in relation to the Syrian crisis that st艺术ed in 2011.



    博士在读学生. 巴兹尔·马斯里·扎达's class harness the supercomputer power of generative AI software called Stable Diffusion for a new level of 艺术istic control. Students were able to explore AI technology in a stigma-free environment to determine how it fits within their creative processes.


    尝试新工具 & 技术

    数字艺术+科技 students have access to the program's equipment for Laser Cutting, CNC(计算机数控)蚀刻和雕刻, 以及3D打印和建筑, 以及俄亥俄超级计算机中心的专门软件.



    Students in Creative Coding for Artists I (taught by 巴兹尔·马斯里·扎达) collaborated with students in Advanced Painting and 画 (taught by 约翰Sabraw) to create 艺术work designed to live in a stream infused with acid-mine drainage. 两个月, the 艺术work didn't just submerge — it collected data that students used to create different data 艺术 经验s. Just another chapter in the human-environment interaction known as the Anthropocene.


教师 in the 数字艺术+科技 area are working 艺术ists who exhibit actively and serve as visiting 艺术ists and lecturers at colleges and galleries across the country. newbb电子平台 is committed to the creation of a diverse community of 艺术ist scholars. If you’d like more information about our program, please reach out to 约翰Sabraw.


