
教师招聘 & 资格

newbb电子平台(newbb电子平台)的教职员工招聘也遵循类似的流程,旨在促进合作, 合规, 一致性, 积极的招聘, and best practices in diversity, 访问, 和包容.


Qualification Verifications

大学政策18.001: 教师 Credentials and Tested Experience, 所有俄亥俄的教师/教学人员在俄亥俄教授课程或开发大学学分课程, 包括兼职, 兼职, dual-credit, 临时, non-tenure跟踪, 以及那些涉及财团或合同项目和独立交付模式, 是否具备最低限度的教学资格.

大学政策18.001: 教师 Credentials and Tested Experience 详细说明教师和教学人员可能达到最低资格的两种途径:学术证书或同等/测试经验.


It is the responsibility of prospective full-time or part-time faculty/instructional staff 向大学提供证明资格所需的所有文件. The documentation includes, 但不限于, 个人简历, 官方成绩单, and information regarding training/certification to teach online courses submitted directly to hiring department/college from the issuing institution; appropriate licenses or certifications; and verification of work experience related to teaching experience (as needed).

这是学术单位(部门/学校或学院)的责任,以确保所有 faculty/instructional staff are qualified to teach each of the courses to which they are assigned. Documents needed to demonstrate qualifications (e.g., vitas, 官方成绩单, certifications/licensures, etc.) should be verified and reviewed 聘用前.



To collect and report qualifications is as follows:


  1. Communicate requirements 的就业 (e.g., qualifications, background check, etc.) to the prospective full-time or part-time faculty/instructional staff.
  2. 收集所需的文件,以证明未来的全职或兼职教师/教学人员的资格.
    1. 如果教师/教学人员使用学术证书途径是合格的, 文件通常包括正式成绩单(由授予机构发送给部门/学校或学院)和个人简历.
    2. 当教师/教学人员使用同等或经过测试的经验合格时, additional information (e.g., work experience related to teaching) is required. For guidelines, please refer to 大学政策18.001: 教师 Credentials and Tested Experience.
  3. 使用两种资格认证途径中的一种来审查和验证资格.
  4. 向教务长办公室提交录取通知书和资格基础解释.
    1. 当教师/教学人员使用学术证书途径获得资格时, 一份确认学术单位审查和验证文件的声明就足够了.
    2. 当教师/教学人员使用同等或经过测试的经验合格时, an explanation of the rationale for qualifications is necessary.

After qualifications have been established and verified, 学术单位可以提供就业机会(或确认有条件的就业机会).

Within 90 days following the start date:

  1. 学术单位管理员应在“学院成功水印”中创建一个新用户并上传文档. (Alternatively, administrators may request for a new user to be created.)
  2. 教师应填写“教师成功水印”中的一般信息部分.
  3. 部门的椅子, 学校董事, 项目主管(或指定人员)应核实所教授课程的资格.

New 教师 Offer Letter Components

The following provide recommendations for components in an offer letter.

  • 标记为星号(*)的组件是根据需要指定的 newbb电子平台 教师手册.
  • The components noted with a carrot (^) are specified as required by the newbb电子平台 Administrative Policy Manual.
Recommended and Required Components
 Primary campus affiliation
*Full-time equivalence (FT)
*初始教学:研究:服务(T:R:S)就业分布与期望, 包括与指定的T:R:S发行版相关的职责. (请注意这封信应该解释,根据部门和学院的政策,T:R:S的分配可能会在年度审查中发生变化.)
*Starting annual salary – including 9 and 12 month pay options.
*Other compensation arrangements, as negotiated and if appropriate (e.g.,启动资金,搬家费用(已付/未付,最高),设施,教学发布等.).
*关于参加教务长办公室新教师欢迎和大学人力资源新员工培训的需要的信息, 包括日期, time, and location (if available).
*就业福利信息摘要和/或人力资源网站上的福利信息链接, including major medical insurance, group life insurance benefits, 退休福利, tax deferred annuities, travel accident insurance, 和其他.
 Criteria for promotion (as attachment or reference)
 Length of probationary period (tenure-track only)
*任期内 decision deadline date and penultimate year (tenure-track only)
 (如适用) Reference to credit for years of previous teaching experience
 (如适用) 有关完成学位或其他就业条件的条件(例如.g.,所需培训)
 (如适用) Information regarding summer teaching/summer teaching salary
 Deadline for accepting the position. (请注意: formal acceptance must be in writing.)

Completing new hire paperwork. See below for sample I-9 language.

  • 根据… federal law, 大学要求你证明你有资格在美国工作.  In order to comply with federal law, 你必须在受雇后的72小时内填妥你的受雇资格表格.   A list of acceptable documents may be found at http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-9.pdf.
  • 请带着你的就业资格文件到大学人力资源部 第一天 的就业.  Prior to your arrival, 请通过访问(插入规划单元链接到电子I-9)完成表格I-9的第1部分。.

Information about background checks and pre-employment verification (per 大学政策40.125). See below for sample background check language.

根据… 俄亥俄州政策40.125, 这一任命取决于成功完成任何可能进行的背景调查.  


Information about faculty qualifications (per 大学政策40.125). See below for sample language:

  • 根据… 俄亥俄州政策18.001,这一任命是有条件的成功核查教师资格. 未来的全职或兼职教师有责任向大学提供验证证书所需的所有文件.  To remain in 合规 with this policy, 你所在的院系会要求你提供最高学位的正式成绩单副本, as well as a current curriculum vita by xxxxx date.  


  • Initial teaching assignments
  • Initial research responsibilities
  • Initial office/lab space and equipment
  • Initial advising assignments
  • Initial committee assignments


注意: 不要在录取信中使用将来可能会改变的语言,是吗.g., specific teaching load, teaching schedule.